View Full Version : M-VICA Biggin

8th Jun 2011, 08:10
Many stories of freelancers not being paid, reliable sources.

20th Jul 2011, 11:17
The owner pays no one on time and many not paid ever. Any excuse will be used and it is HIGHLY recommended that you get your money upfront, as no verbal or written agreement is followed.

Remember that con men are charming types or you will be burned.:=

22nd Jul 2011, 20:52
makes you wonder how well the aircraft is being maintained

22nd Jul 2011, 20:53
does it fly a lot?

22nd Jul 2011, 22:26
According to libhomeradar website looks like 2 trips a month. Probably why freelance pilots used.

Well, the word is out now so unless they pay up front they may end up hiring full time crew.......maybe

26th Jul 2011, 17:33
Re full-time crew......a great solution that everyone would be best served by, including the owner, but I think his ancestors invented copper wiring. Seems they were fighting over this penny....and the rest is history.

good luck!

27th Jul 2011, 11:07
Who is the owner so we can all be beware?

27th Jul 2011, 12:50

Rumour is that the aircraft was repossesd at the weekend.

27th Jul 2011, 14:39
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Marcell! he will not be the owner just the guy trying to operate it. Why anyone would give him credit is a mistery to me

28th Jul 2011, 11:00
I had heard it was going to fly to Biggin on the way to Paris.....probably not the smartest move, when there are so many people unhapy for various reasons at Biggin.......Any more details??

Needs paint, but it is the nicest set up 604! Needs a good owner!

1st Aug 2011, 20:53
Indeed....aircraft under guard and sealed at the Rizon hangar! Court battle going on!:\

LGW Vulture
1st Aug 2011, 21:12
I think this might be the second repo from this lot! 900-17 was repoŽd by PNC earlier this year - formerly under the name of Minnesota Choice. Indeed, Link Aviation or Link Air should be avoided at all costs, they have an association with both of the above named entities.

How do these people get into our business and seem to stay in? Yuk!:*

9th Aug 2011, 14:23
heard M-VICA has left Biggin?

Vino Collapso
9th Aug 2011, 15:13
Yep on the 4th August to CYYZ

9th Aug 2011, 21:16
I was told the court was on the 14th and was hoping to get my salary claim against the operator attached to the claim...... Guess I am really out of luck! Damn! Well.... I can still try.:ugh:

14th Aug 2011, 11:09
Big article in today's Sunday Mail Magazine about aircraft repo....The repo of this aircraft is discussed at length (with photos).

I make no claim for the accuracy of the article.

14th Aug 2011, 14:06
Tycoon owner of this 720 has gone bust, Baliff Kevin Lacey has to take it back | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-2024863/Tycoon-owner-720-gone-bust-Baliff-Kevin-Lacey-back.html)

15th Aug 2011, 13:15
Wow the plot thickens.....exciting story and I can imagine the wife going absolutely crazy. Found out that the last two pilots did not even have IoM validations, showing even more what a "professional" operation this was....debts piled up all over the place.........who-ever has let him get his hands on a 900 should be warned as well as the crew!:uhoh:

15th Aug 2011, 19:13
are you saying that since the Challenger M-VICA has been taken away - he has replaced it with a 900?

Wow - some people never learn