View Full Version : Dublin Chinooks

7th Jun 2011, 07:41
I was passing through Dublin last week and saw 4 Chinook helicopters sitting away from the terminals, near the control tower. Bearing in mind that Obama had visited the week before, they were no doubt part of the support effort. My question is, why were they left behind and not shipped off for the rest of the tour ? Even if they went tech (?) surely they could have been taken to Mildenhall for repairs and/or further shipping back to the states ?


7th Jun 2011, 08:48
I believe one was tech. However as post on Boards.ie explains :

IMPORTANT NEWS RE PRESIDENTIAL VISIT - Page 16 - boards.ie (http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=72401247)

they are due for rebuilding, and this was thier last mission in current form.


7th Jun 2011, 14:40
Hmm, well that's an explanation of sorts, but why would they only be destined to do the Ireland leg of the tour and not the UK, France and Poland before being retired with honour ? It makes you wonder how many there were for the tour if 4 could be left behind like that! And there's the RAF limping along with not enough Chinooks :hmm:


7th Jun 2011, 15:41
It may be that there was no need for helicopter transfers elsewhere - in Ireland he had to visit a small village around 75 miles from Dublin as part of his planned 24 hour programme between meetings at 1000 and 1700. Had he been only visiting Dublin, I suspect road transport alone would have been used, as during his transfer from the Arás to College Green and from the city centre to the airport later. In other parts of his European visit he may have had more time and/or less travel - or there may have been locally based aircraft available from German bases. I don't know for sure - just supposition.

In terms of road vehicles, there were at least two sets involved - the vehicles used in Dublin (apart from the one damaged by the kerb at the Embassy :O) were sent on to Paris, while a second set were used in London which were subsequently sent to Poland, in effect leapfrogging the presidential party.

As for resourses - well, the trip to Moneygall involved two Whitehawks and three (should have been four) Chinooks. The US military are not known for cost consciousness!