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View Full Version : iPad 2nd Gen

5th Jun 2011, 18:28
Is there any place where you can get a good duty free deal on one of these iPads. I fly Europe to Australia reasonably regularly so anywhere between those two spots that gives a good deal ? Also what specs would you choose for aviation applications ?

Any comments or advice appreciated.

6th Jun 2011, 06:30
To the best of my knowledge iPad is not generally available as a tax free item. In the uk it is sold at airports in tax free shops, but it is not tax free they give a small discounted price, and I mean small. The problem is availability, especially in the uk, it's not readily available.

Typing this on my ipad2:ok:

7th Jun 2011, 17:27
Hmmm, thanks 'spannersatcx'. I suspected as much. I'll see what the best deal is I can get locally. Seems you like yours.

7th Jun 2011, 19:01
Someone mentioned to me a few weeks back about Thailand having lower prices on Apple products than most countries in the region, so maybe worth looking in that direction ?


7th Jun 2011, 19:51
If the exchange rate is favourable that's the only real saving that can be made as far as I can see, as the price is pretty much fixed. :mad: