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View Full Version : Virgin Media - DNS ? Problem

Senior Paper Monitor
2nd Jun 2011, 21:35
Have a number of sites that I access frequently showing "internet explorer cannot access the webpage" all day today.

Similar response on all browser types.

Sites include:

www.forums.moneysavingexpert.com (http://www.forums.moneysavingexpert.com)

www.freeindex.co.uk (http://www.freeindex.co.uk)

Have been on 'choice of music' (my choice would be no music and and answer!) hold to Virgin helpdesk for over 45 minutes so far.

Anyone know anything - have any ideas (I can access these sites happily on my smartphone) ?

Mr Optimistic
2nd Jun 2011, 21:55
Well I get server not found on the first but OK on second link. Other sites OK ?

2nd Jun 2011, 22:00
And I thought it was just me that was getting picked on!

No, its been happening several times over the last month or so. Should be back to normal tomorrow. Never any record of it on their service site, and if you bother to waist money phoning, again they'll never admit to there having been any problem what so ever! Must be Your equipment CUR ! :}

2nd Jun 2011, 22:03
Try OpenDNS's public servers ( & or Google's ( &

2nd Jun 2011, 22:04
Senior Paper Monitor,

Additional note...

Second works fine for me, and by the looks of the link from the MSE website, you should be using forums.moneysavingexpert.com (i.e omit www)

Senior Paper Monitor
2nd Jun 2011, 22:13
Sorry, my 'bum steer' - wasn't using the www. (its on my start up settings so didn't look that closely).

Just got through - and the nice chap in Lahore (after being given the bollocking of his life as to the fact it really wasn't necessary for me to repeat the address, password (which i typed in at the beginning of the 50 minute wait) and account holder details for him to answer my question) owned to there being a problem with "the internet".

Heh ho

2nd Jun 2011, 22:25
We had this for a while. Turned out there was a local fault on the pipe. I moaned & got a tenner off this month. Also found this:

Login & password are both 'root' if you're a long suffering Virgin customer contunually pulling the plug out of your modem.