View Full Version : Is it normal for cabin crew to check on pax's stuff?

29th May 2011, 10:05
I'm sorry if I offend you but I am curious about cabin crew's duty.

I am not saying that cabin crew are nosy but I'm curious why they have to do like this. Is that because of security reasons or something I don't know. I have seen lots of cabin crew were checking on pax's notes, paper, newspapers and even diary while pax were reading or writing.

29th May 2011, 13:58
Looking-over-the-shoulder type of thing? Probably they are simply mildly bored/curious, just want to see what paperback etc people have their noses stuck in. I like to see what people are reading.. but I wouldn't be obvious about it, just an innocent glance if the cover or binder is visible...

29th May 2011, 16:54
i know that if possible they can check hand lagguage both for commercial purpose or safety, size of the lagguage or contents if some liquids inside is suspected it cannot be stored in the overhead bin to avoid any possible spreading of it ... or any electronic devices who can go overheat .. but in most case it is only precaution ...:ugh:

29th May 2011, 17:22
l`m not cabin crew but l have been part of the team for a few years.

lt seems to me, maybe, just boredom disguised as security.

Don`t worry about it, worse things happen in the Post Office queue.

Piltdown Man
29th May 2011, 21:38
I think it is pure nosiness. Checking, surreptitiously, is not on. If they have a reason to look into a passenger's belongings they should let the passenger know and they may even be helped. But once a bag has managed to get on a plane, it's generally game over save for "monster bags" which can't possibly be accommodated in the cabin. Nosiness, disguised as security/safety, is totally non-productive and will often achieve complete opposite effect to the one desired.