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View Full Version : Balanced journalism for a change.

25th May 2011, 22:17
Sydney Morning Herald, Business section. Page 8.Today, 26 May 2011Compared to the nonsense written by GT a pleasant change and hopefully something to be read by the wider public to balance QF propaganda.
I am not computer savvy enough to provide a link, nor a good enough typist to put here, but one of my favourite bits..."Qantas is pushing the case that the pilots are seeking wage rises...2.5%...are the equivalent of 26%.It is difficult to reconcile such a vast disparity,but Qantas puts it down to perks such as free travel. Maybe it's boss, Alan joyce, has a malfunctioning calculator."

25th May 2011, 22:40
I think this is the article you're referring to...
Qantas is pursuing a risky strategy (http://www.smh.com.au/business/qantas-is-pursuing-a-risky-strategy-20110525-1f4gh.html)

And from the article: "The current chief executive, Joyce, clearly wants his baby, Jetstar, to take brand ascendancy but he understands he cannot sacrifice Qantas mainline in the process."

... He has already done that!

25th May 2011, 22:43
Or this:

Short-term pain approach has some Qantas board members quaking (http://www.smh.com.au/business/shortterm-pain-approach-has-some-qantas-board-members-quaking-20110525-1f4ch.html)