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View Full Version : The importance of a bachelor degree in Europe?

25th May 2011, 22:13
Hello out there

I'm currently looking at what options I have of becoming a pilot. I've always known that I would like to become a pilot, but recently some insecurance has come to my mind. Not about becoming a pilot, but about what path I should become a pilot.

I have had a quick look around this forum, but I couldn't find any thread that answered my specific questions, and therefore I decided to make a new one.

I would like to know the importance of a bachelor degree: Do airlines in Europe look at if you have a bachelor? Does it have to be a bachelor of aviation? And would you recommend me to take a bachelor, so that I have more options than becoming a professional pilot straight away, in case I can't find a job?

I am so previliged that it won't cost me more to take a bachelor. I would basicly be able to study for 3 years, without taking up any debt.

I'm looking forward to your answers!

26th May 2011, 00:28
Hello, I made a similar thread a while back that might be of use:


I'm biased at the moment but I definitely think a good degree, especially without debt, would be best route.

26th May 2011, 07:51
I don't know how I missed that thread, but it certainly answered my questions. Thanks mate!