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View Full Version : Security lost a friends bag, advice?

22nd May 2011, 23:11
Apologies if the Mods deem this to be the wrong forum but it's about airline security so it was my best guess.

Just had a good friend travel from Coolangatta to Sydney on VB and when going through security she had a bag taken. The way I see it, security force you to give up your bag and so they are responsible for it until you get it back.
They apparently weren't interested in helping look for it or get it back. There's nothing of any real value in it, but many documents recorded in a conference she did here over the weekend.
What is the process of making a complaint about them? They had a bag stolen right in front of them so they are clearly not doing their job properly.

22nd May 2011, 23:20
Ask for the video. (Which they will no doubt make it hard to get). Then go to the cops.

I had something stolen by security, asked to see the video, which they wouldnt show, but low and behold the item i had stolen suddenly appeared......

Worrals in the wilds
23rd May 2011, 00:08
Pretty much what blueloo said, but personally I would get on to the Gold Coast coppers first and report it stolen. They may not care very much but that's their problem.

Then I would call the airport operator to advise them that the bag had been stolen from the security point and that I was talking to the police about it. I'd then tell them my next call was to the Gold Coast Bulletin :E. I assume from your location that you're a local in which case you may be able to make more effective waves than your friend, if she's an out-of-towner. This shouldn't be the case but it often is.

Generally the airport operator is responsible for employing security staff and maintaining the screening points (apart from the big airline-operated terminals in the capital cities where the airline administers the contract). I wouldn't even bother talking to the screening company but would go straight to the airport operator. I would also complain about the demeanour of the staff present at the time if they didn't assist. Gold Coast Airport is international with a small AFP/AUP presence and they should have been called (it's not like they're very busy ;):suspect:).

There may or may not be decent CCTV (airports are pretty variable in this regard and even the best system can bug out at times) and they may or may not want to show it to you. The threat of bad publicity may help in this regard.

Did your friend have travel insurance? If so it may help to get them involved as well. Good luck!

23rd May 2011, 00:39
Thanks guys, I'll pop down to the police station today then to the airport soon after that.

23rd May 2011, 01:29
better talk to her insurance company too. there was those pearls and diamonds and a wad of cash in the bag :E

23rd May 2011, 03:55
Won't do much good you going to the cops Bill. Your girl friend will have to file the complaint!

tail wheel
23rd May 2011, 04:54
What Whiskery said. Only the bag owner can report theft.

23rd May 2011, 05:27
Gold Coast Airport » Complaints (http://goldcoastairport.com.au/regulatory/complaints-2/)

Has the appropriate info on who to contact. I'd get you friend to do it sooner than later, CCTV footage, if there was any, can have a short lifetime.

23rd May 2011, 05:36
Difficult situation that you are in. There is a significant number of criminals working in Sydney Airport Security stealing from passengers and dealing in drugs. Have a look at this AUSTRALIAN article from the Attorney General's Portfolio or articles:


Also, the ABC ran astory on organised crime in Sydney Airport:
7.30 Report - 11/05/2005: Airport baggage handlers linked to drugs, court told (http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2005/s1366560.htm)

Report to the police and pray for the best is all you can do, I think. The lunatics have taken over the asylum??