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View Full Version : Where do EK pilots now stand with Loss of Licence Insurance?

22nd May 2011, 14:19
Emirates recruiters are currently promoting the "fact" that there is very good loss of licence insurance provided by the company, with additional optional insurance provided by the privately run LIPS scheme.

Recently however, it would seem the company is doing its very best to avoid paying out in a couple of cases underway now.

I'm not sure of the exact circumstances of the individual cases, but it would seem the definition of "permanent loss of licence" is becoming less and less clear. And if EK says it won't pay out because they can't be sure you've lost your licence forever, then under the current LIPs definition, they won't pay out either.

This is not to debunk the LIPS scheme; it's just to raise a discussion as to where we all stand with regards to an actual payout should we lose our medical?

White Knight
22nd May 2011, 17:23
I believe that if the UAE GCAA kill your medical then EK pay out. The fact that you may still get a medical in South America for example won't make any difference to that.

Tail Rota
22nd May 2011, 19:49
Hi Felllas:E

I know that EK has been holding back on the Loss Licence insurance. A very senior ex captian had to threaten legal action to get his insurance payment from EK. :D

This is an area of major concern. If they promote this kind of security to the Pilots and thier famillies to recruit you and dont pay out when you lose your ability to fly then this is a form of fraud.

"Hey come work for us we pay you every month on time, .........oh ok its every other month, .........oh ok its annualy, oh ok its a yearly payment scheme.....ummm..... alright we dont pay you at all....but its too late you are already working for me:{"

Come on EK we either have loss of licence insurance or we dont. Stop the stupid games. Pay up or admit its impossible to get it if you lose your licence because it doesnt exists.

I dont care either way........I just want to know the truth:=

Do we have it or not!!!!!!!
