View Full Version : Air tractor incident translation please.

20th May 2011, 15:34
Can anyone copy and translate this mass destruction air tractor incident?


20th May 2011, 17:28
Date and time Monday, May 24, 2010, 10:15 h
Track the Reboso Place, Los Palacios y Villafranca (Sevilla)
Aerial Work Operation Type - Commercial - Agriculture
Landing phase of flight
Approval Date February 21, 2011
Pilot in command
Age 45 years
Airline Commercial Pilot License
Total flight hours 1,890 h
Flight hours on type 652 h
Registration EC-IXJ
Type and model AT-401 AIR TRACTOR
SAAS operator
Type and model PRATT & WHITNEY R-1340-AN1
Number 1
INJURY Fatal Serious Minor / uninjured
Crew 1
Other persons 1 2
Major Aircraft
Other damage Yes
Newsletter 2 / 2011
Technical Report A-013/2010
1.1 .- History of the flight
The aircraft Air Tractor AT-401, registration EC-IXJ, returning to his base after
completed the work of planting rice that had been carried out in a
fields located about 10 km northeast of the base.
The base track is oriented north-south and has a length
approximately 1,100 m. In the approach area to the south runs a channel head,
which is almost perpendicular to the runway. Also, there is another channel in the
East side door, which is parallel to it. There were currently at the head
South of the runway two Air Tractor aircraft. One, registration EC-HFJ, located
beginning of the track and aligned with the axis, with the pilot on board and with the engine
march, which was being loaded with rice seed by a tractor, and the other
EC-GYX enrollment, farther north and west side of the track and with its longitudinal axis
cross the runway, the pilot also on board, but with the engine stopped.
According to testimonies received, the EC-IXJ plane flew over the area of ​​the track from
about 150 m from its axis by the west. Arriving at the height of the header South, turned
slightly to the right, and with intent to have more open space
make a 180 ° turn to let him in line to make the approach. Immediately
veered to the left, increasing the bank angle progressively to
about 80 ° inclination. When the aircraft flew over the gate channel
is in the approach area, with a height of about 10 or 15 m, and oriented and
the direction of the track, began to warp quickly right up to a
angle of about 60 °.
With that attitude, but losing altitude, he went to the track. Flying start
of it without touching the ground, but the right wing tip first hit
against the left horizontal stabilizer of the aircraft EC-HFJ, then on the plane
left of that aircraft and immediately against the tractor,
losing the outer half of the right wing.
The aircraft then crashed violently against the runway nose down attitude,
producing a burst of two propeller blades, which was driven into the
field, and the detachment of the wheel motor and main railway leg left.
Simultaneously, the tail assembly hit the nose of the third aircraft
Damage to the exhaust manifolds on the cylinder # 5 and the helix.
The aircraft continued moving along the track following a path
slightly off to your right, a result that ended up going off the track by
the right side but was stopped on the slope between it and the channel
runs parallel to the track on that side.
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Figure 1. Overview of the crash area
The pilot of the EC-IXJ aircraft and the operator who was driving the tractor were
with injuries of a serious nature.
1.2. Injuries to persons
The pilot of the aircraft EC-IXJ suffered several broken vertebrae.
The driver had a hole in his head which required over 80 stitches,
and several broken ribs.
The pilots of two aircraft were involved in the accident
were unharmed.
1.3. Damage to aircraft
The aircraft, Air Tractor AT-401, registration EC-IXJ, suffered major damage to
following parts:
• Right wing ripped his outer half.
• Landing gear. Left leg torn off the wheel deformed right leg and skate
queue started.
• left wing with large deformations, which affect the structure.
• Fuselage tail with large cracks and warping.
• Rudder detached.
• horizontal stabilizer and rudder height with major damage.
• Helix.
• Motor. Off during the impact.
1.4. Other damage
1.4.1. Aircraft Air Tractor AT-402A, CS-HFJ
This aircraft is the seed was being loaded at the top of the track.
The first impact was in the left horizontal stabilizer, which produced large
damage him forward deformation and tearing of the outer
empennage, including the counterweight.
The second impact was against the flap of the left wing, specifically to
distance of one third of its outer edge. The impact caused extensive damage
flap, which spread to own plane and the wing.
As a result of impact, the aircraft moved forward, until the edge
left wing attack
collided with the tractor,
damage occurring in this
part of the plane.
1.4.2. Air Tractor Aircraft
The impact occurred in the
front portion of the aircraft.
On the right side of
exhaust manifolds
observed two brands
straight, parallel to each other,
about 10 cm apart and
an inclination to
45 ° horizontal.
Figure 2. Damage to the left wing of the aircraft EC-HFJ
and tractor
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Technical Report A-013/2010
Technical Report A-013/2010
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The engine cowling also showed signs of impacts that had occurred
The spark plug cylinder No. 3 was heading, as well as some of the fins
cooling of the cylinder.
Both propeller blades, although one of them to a greater extent, showed damage
1.4.3. Tractor
Anti-roll bars which also serve to support the hood, were strongly
bent, broken some of its anchors. The hood was blown off. Bars
had traces of yellow paint.
Several of the commanding heights of the front loader, which are located on the
right of the cockpit, were folded into the cabin and
her pots had been uprooted.
Figure 3. Sketch of the remains of the aircraft impacts
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Technical Report A-013/2010
The left arm of the pilot seat and front right rear wing resulted
1.5. Personal Information
The pilot held a commercial pilot license aircraft, valid until 18.05.2011, in
Class 1 medical certificate valid until 11/07/2010, and the following
Enabling Valid until
------- -------------
SE piston (land) 05/09/2011
Agroforestry 07/16/2010
His experience was of 1,890 total flight hours, of which 652 hours were on type of
aircraft accident.
He joined the company operating the crashed aircraft on 17
July 1996.
The day of the accident had started his business at 7:30 pm Was operated from
eventual track located in the vicinity of the area had to work
where he conducted 9 flights of planting in which employed a total time of 1 hour
and 35 minutes. As he had done work in that area and had no more scheduled
activity for the day, the pilot went to the base of operations to land
and end their activity.
The day before the accident had rested.
In the 7 days before the accident had made 31vuelos, in which employed a
time from 7:20 pm
1.6. Aircraft Information
1.6.1. General
Registration: EC-IXJ
Manufacturer: AIR TRACTOR
Model: AT-401
Serial number: 401-0795
Technical Report A-013/2010
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Year of manufacture: 1991
MTOW: 2.722kg
Empty weight: 2,156 kg
1.6.2. Motor
Manufacturer: PRATT & WHITNEY
Model: R-1340-AN1
Serial number: 513428
Installed: 27-03-2007 from "overhaul" (with 7.850:00 h
from new)
Power: 600HP
1.6.3. Airworthiness Certificate
Class: Restricted
Number: 5560
Issue: 05/21/2005
Validity: 13/05/2011
1.6.4. Maintenance
Flying time: 4.261:30 h to 05/21/2010
Last Review: Type 200 h, held on 6-05 "2010con 4.195:00 h
1.6.5. Proceedings. Stall speeds
The flight manual for the aircraft provides the following information about
stall speeds for conditions of maximum takeoff weight
2,721 kg (6,000 lb), and depending on the angle and deflection of flaps:
Bank angle 0 ° 15 ° 30 ° 45 ° 60 °
Flaps up 73 mph 74 mph 78 mph 87 mph 103 mph
Flaps deployed 61 mph 62 mph 66 mph 73 mph 86 mph
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Technical Report A-013/2010
1.6.6. Aircraft weight
At the time of the accident the aircraft had been loaded into the hopper and deposits
contained between 200 and 250 l of fuel. The estimated weight at that time would be:
• Curb weight: 1,886 kg
• Fuel Weight: 160 to 200 kg (180 kg was taken for calculation purposes)
• Pilot Weight: 90 kg
Total weight: 2,156 kg
1.6.7. Approach and landing procedure
In the chapter on normal operating procedures of the aircraft flight
is the approach and landing procedure, which consists of the following:
1. Place the mixture lever in "rich".
2. Slightly reduce the power and bear the propeller lever to maximum
forward (maximum rpm).
3. Connect the heater to the carburetor in case of formation conditions
4. Cut gas and settle on the approach path at 85-90 mph, with flaps
above, or 75-80 mphconmáxima flap deflection. These values ​​are valid for
the plane empty.
5. During the landing roll the aircraft to direct the rudder. Use
the brakes to stop the aircraft or to leave the track. Avoid applying
brakes strongly.
1.7. Information on the stricken aircraft wreckage and the impact
It inspected the track between the start and the first of
aircraft that crashed, not found any brand that might have been
made by the plane.
Upon impact against aircraft EC-HFJ the outside fell off the plane
law, which was near the back of a tractor that was close
the plane. The piece evolved included the marginal edge, and had a size of
2.5 m at the leading edge and 3.80 m at the trailing edge. The wing does not
was attached to this piece of plane. There was no a mark on the track
could have been made by the EC-IXJ aircraft during the impact
The spoiler, fully detached, with small fragments of plane,
was the left side of the aircraft EC-HFJ.
Technical Report A-013/2010
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Just ahead of the aircraft EC-GYX found one of two propeller blades dela, which
was stuck in the ground, and that by breaking off near the root. End
the blade was bent back and there were many brands of rubbing on
field, whose direction was perpendicular to the line of the blade. The bottom surface of the blade
also showed many transverse markings. The rupture zone showed a
large plastic deformation of the blade forward.
The engine, which came off the aircraft in the impact, was thrown and hit
several times on the track, before falling into the canal.
The left leg of the main landing gear struck with violence against
track, resulting in breakage of the rim and subsequent detachment.
While the left wing of the aircraft did not have large strains, showed
widespread damage affecting the structure, caused by a hit plane
soffit to the ground. The flap on this side was deployed to the first mark,
which corresponds to an angle of 10 °.
The right leg of the landing gear showed a significant deformation
direction to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, which occurred at the end of
plane displacement, more specifically, to be resting on that leg when
fell to the slope between the track and the channel.
The final part of the fuselage tail had multiple cracks and warping
bending and torsion in the structure. The tail skid had fallen, leaving
only the crossbow. The tail assembly was also great harm. The
horizontal stabilizer was almost detached from the structure. The vertical stabilizer
only had a small tear in its upper end, which is composite.
The rudder, which could not be recuperadoal not be located, had
detached due to shear rupture of the rivets connecting the hardware.
The lower bracket showed a deformation of rudder torque to left, view
from behind.
Aircraft inspection
• Ailerons: control rod was found right wing detached because
breakage at both ends. Found that there was continuity of command from
control lever in the cockpit to the left wing to the point where
broke the bar on the right side.
• Flaps: The left flap was deployed to the first mark (10 °). It
inspected the fuselage which houses the engine flap, and departing
action bars. The torsion bar that transmits the movement to the flaps
had a great strain on his right side. Towards the left wing bar
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Technical Report A-013/2010
had no significant damage, with continuity to the flap. The right flap
off in the first impact, which also saw the break
control mechanism. Specifically, the rupture occurred in a bar that connects
the center bar with the flap. To determine the exact position of the flap was measured
the length of the spindle that drives the torsion bar and compared with other aircraft
well, reaching the conclusion that the flap was at 0 °.
• Rudder. There was continuity of command from the pedals to the rudder.
The connecting wires were in good condition and properly guided, to
but one of the pulleys GUID that the cable had come loose. It
found that there were no obstacles to the transfer of power.
• flaps. There was continuity of command between the joystick and rudder.
The bar transfer of power was found in good condition, except
rear fuselage area where he was deformed. However, transmitting
• Stainless deep. Also maintained the continuity of control between
fin and the drive mechanism.
• Cockpit. The levers of propeller pitch and mixture is fully met
ago. The cables that connect them to the respective engine controls maintained their
continuity and their ends were still attached to the levers of the engine,
which were broken by breaking the engine. Possibly to occur
detachment of the motor, there was a tug on the cables of gases, propeller and
mixture, which led to the position levers fully back. Lever
depth compensator was only found earlier.
• The seat belt was found unfastened. Had not been cut and
looked good.
• Motor. Showed no major damage. Had been impacted in its lower part,
which had produced the rupture of some accessories which are placed in this
part. The spinner had no marks of having hit the ground. The blades do not
deformation is showing off the leading edge and marginal edge.
1.8. Tests and research
1.8.1. Pilot's statement
Reached the base around 6:30 pm The company official told the plots
should plant, located north of the base, and the track from which he had surgery, which
was located in the vicinity of the area.
At 7:15 pm, no more dawn, took off with full fuel tanks and
went to the track, landing on it for loading the hopper with seed and start
planting. 9vuelos work was required, during which released 6,900 kg of seed.
After planting the last flight proceeded to return to base to give him
instructions on the next mission. In this regard clarified that the tasks they are
Technical Report A-013/2010
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entrusting sequentially, so until they finish a job,
know what the next.
He joined the downwind stretch of about 200 m south of the head, and began
turn to base at about 200 m south of it.
During this shift, being about 8 or 10 m in height, noted as the aircraft entered
stall, and ran out of control. He appeared on the throttle brought to its
maximum power position, but gave no time for this increase
engine speed significantly before the aircraft gave a "hack" and
collapsed. He noted impacts, but did not know against what had been beaten. Estimated
at the time of the accident remained in the tanks between 200 and 250 l
fuel. Cree could do the turn too sharp.
Do not remember if he had pulled the flaps.
Finally the plane stopped at the edge of the canal, and immediately people came
who attended him.
The seat belt is not inertia reel type, not wearing
perfectly matched, as in this way is more convenient because it gives
greater freedom of movement.
Knows perfectly the area, having worked there for several years and
Track the accident estimated to have landed some 9,000 times.
1.8.2. Pilot of the aircraft EC-GYX
I was in the cabin of the aircraft with the engine stopped. He heard the loud noise of the motor
the plane approached, looked right and saw him coming straight at him with a
bank angle to the right of about 60 ° or 70 °. Instinctively ducked and
protected with arms, so he saw nothing more.
1.8.3. Pilot of the aircraft EC-HFJ
I was in the cabin of the aircraft, which was aligned on the runway,
oriented to the north, with the engine running, scoring flight data,
as he loaded the hopper with seed rice. Saw through the right one
yellow aircraft flying from North to South.
Shortly afterwards he heard the noise of a jet engine and immediately noticed the
impact, the aircraft moved a little over 1 m, and saw the plane fall on the track
and continue to the edge of the canal until it stopped.
Newsletter 2 / 2011
Technical Report A-013/2010
He called on his mobile phone to 112 at 9:35 pm, for assistance, which arrived about
20 minutes later.
1.8.4. Mechanic 1
I was standing on the left wing of the aircraft EC-HFJ, in the area of ​​the insert, and
he was handling the bag with rice seed in the hopper empty
aircraft load.
He saw the plane approaching. Suddenly he heard the noise of the aircraft very close and
heard a loud noise and saw the plane fall on the track, beyond which
and how it was he went into the canal. Jumped down and went running
EC-IXJ the plane, with the risk that the pilot could drown.
Despite being on the wing did not notice the impact, nor
was aware that the person who was on the tractor had been
wound. In fact I thought that had not been touched.
A while later he saw that there were several people with one that was on the ground and
approached, noting that it was the tractor driver, who was bleeding profusely by the
head. She took off her overalls and tried to plug the bleeding with him. Then he
account falling fuel left wing of the aircraft EC-HFJ, and to seek their
origin was when he realized the impact on the wing and horizontal tailplane
1.8.5. Farmer
She was with another person, supported both on the hood of a vehicle that was
parked across the track on your left, and ahead of the aircraft
EC-HFJ, seen from the direction of alignment of the accident aircraft. Were
discussed issues relating to the planting of rice, when suddenly he heard the plane
nearby, looked to his right and saw him on the gate of the channel, with a height
and warped to the right about 60 degrees. Quickly approached the runway, losing altitude,
and walked past him by keeping the angle of bank. Saw slammed
EC-HFJ aircraft and the tractor and then saw him fall from the track. Said
the engine sounded good, but very strong, as it had enough power.
1.8.6. Mechanical 2
He was in the tail of the aircraft EC-HFJ. Saw the plane crash was coming
flying from the North. Flying over the area of ​​the track going about 100 or 150 m
Technical Report A-013/2010
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its axis by the west. Arriving at the height of the head South, it was where
found it, turned slightly to the right, as with intent to be opened to
more space for a 180 ° turn to let him in line to make
approach. Then turned left, increasing the bank angle
progressively to about 80 ° inclination. When the aircraft
flying over the channel gate is in the approach area, height
about 10 or 15 m, began to warp quickly right up to a
angle of about 60 °. Seeing that was heading towards where he was, he ran for
refuge among sacks on the left side, and warned farmers who were
in the area.
He said there were other aircraft from another company, painted the same color (yellow)
that SaaS was working on a parcel located south of the airfield.
The aircraft came from a track located on the north, and to reach their place of
This work passed through the track.
1.9. Survival aspects
The cabin of the aircraft EC-IXJ kept its shape. The cabin door was not
blocked, allowing the rapid evacuation of the pilot.
The pilot's seat equipped aircraft is fixed, having only
height adjustment. The pilot can only adjust the position of the pedals, which
are the only controls that have control.
The pilot flying monkey outfitted, gloves, helmet and leather shoes and wore
fastened seat belt, although she had not adjusted well to
body, as this form has demayor freedom of movement.
Both the seat and seat belts accounted for the loads produced
during impacts without deforming or breaking.
1.10. Aerodrome Procedures
The Head of Operations reported that operator's shift is usually made based on final
at a speed of 100 mph. Once the aircraft is reduced final
speed of 80 mph and starts down the flap in tranches up to "full flap"
at the same time it continues to reduce speed, so that the outlet is
60 mph.
As for the final approach path, said that make a small
angle to the runway, in order not to fly over the heads where it often
Newsletter 2 / 2011
Technical Report A-013/2010
be other aircraft loading. Once the aircraft is on the axis of
track the pilot corrected the path slightly to align the aircraft with the runway and
2.1. Analysis of the final trajectory of the aircraft
The absence of marks on the ground prior to impact with the aircraft EC-HFJ, puts
clear that no part of the EC-IXJ plane contacted the ground or
other obstacles prior to this impact, while descartándosepor
could spin out for that reason.
In the first shock, which was against the aircraft EC-HFJ and immediately after
against the tractor, the only part of the EC-IXJ aircraft came into contact with both
was outside of the right wing, from which it follows that at that time
aircraft was bent to the right, which is consistent with
witness statements.
2.2. Analysis of the turn as the basis for final
According to witness statements in the final turn of the aircraft based on
reached an angle of bank to the left of about 80 °. The tables
aircraft does not provide information about the stall speed for angles
to roll over 60 degrees. For this angle and with the flaps up speed
stall is 103mph, making for a higher bank angle, the
stall speed will be greater than 103mph.
Estevalor speed stall is for the aircraft with maximum
weight, which is 2.722kg. You can determine the approximate value
stall speed for a given weight of the aircraft from values
known weight and stall speed as the square root
square of the velocity multiplied by the ratio between the weights. Thus,
for a weight of 2,156 kg, the rate of loss with a bank angle of 60 ° is
can be estimated at about 97.5 mph.
The shift of the base at the end they usually do so at a speed of 100 mph. In this case
Specifically one can think that the pilot made the turn at that speed, in which case
when the bank angle exceeded 60 °, probably the speed of entry into
loss under these conditions was higher than the rate that had the aircraft
causing it to stall.
Technical Report A-013/2010
Newsletter 2 / 2011
As for the shift itself, the investigation did not determine why
which the pilot allowed the aircraft reached an excessive bank angle, and
possibly was the cause of the stall.
However, statements of witnesses can be concluded that the pilot made this
last turn too close to the track, which possibly led to ceñirlo in
excess to align final.
Given the attitude and the low altitude of the aircraft at that time, the pilot could not
recover the loss.
It is considered that this accident was caused by the execution of the turn as the basis for final
with excessive bank angle, causing a stall of the aircraft.

20th May 2011, 18:05
Thanks manitoubrian. Definitely a bad day in the office hopefully they will all recover from their injuries. Not sure about the planes though.

29th May 2011, 15:23
What company was that? Was it Martinez Ridao ?