View Full Version : Calculators

Bombs Away
19th May 2011, 16:15
Was going to get one of these for the exams - Scientific Calculators : SHARP (http://sharp-world.com/products/calculators/sc_calculator/el-w506/index.html)

Just wondering if something like that would be allowed or is it only more basic models :confused:

19th May 2011, 16:23
For the dutch examns you are only allowed to use the calculators being provided by the dutch CAA, they are present on your desk

Bombs Away
19th May 2011, 17:02
This would be for the ATPL (A) exams in the UK (CAA)

19th May 2011, 18:24
Used myself CASIO fx-85ES in UK exams.Most of the guys&girls did it on this machine.

keith williams
19th May 2011, 20:57
In addition to the question of what the invigilators will allow you to use in the exams, it is also worth considering the following.

1. The vast majority of the (probably thousands) of ATPL students that I have met have used the CASIO Fx83 or the CASIO FX85. So if you get one of these and you are doing a full time course you will be surrounded by other people using the same calculator. This helps if you are not fully up to speed on how to use it. The instructors will also be fully familiar with it.

2. When you get into the exam room there is a remote chance that the invigilator will decide that he or she does not like your calculator. If you are using an FX83 or FX85 you can say "well if you are going to take mine away from me then you need to take them away from virtually every other student in this room". You will almost certainly get to keep your calculator.

19th May 2011, 22:02
definitely agree - go for a casio one with a natural display, they are absolutely brilliant and mine has seen my through all my maths a levels

Bombs Away
20th May 2011, 07:04
Thanks for the advice guys, only problem is I've been using a sharp scientific for the past few years so am kinda use to the layout.

Exams are in a few weeks I don't have a huge amount of time to get used to a new format :uhoh:

what next
20th May 2011, 07:38
Exams are in a few weeks I don't have a huge amount of time to get used to a new format...Hey, come on! You will be a commercial pilot in a couple of weeks. A little flexibility in adapting to changing technical environments is one of the pre-requisites of our profession. +, -, *, / and cosine is really all you need - you should be able to locate these five buttons on a different calculator in less than a day (maybe two if you want to fly for a low-cost airline ;) )

BTW: Here in Germany the exams are "written" on PCs that run MS Windows. You are allowed to use the calculator application that comes with Windows during the exam and that's all what's ever needed.