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View Full Version : JAndakot Airport being used for asylum seeker accommodation

Clare Prop
13th May 2011, 01:43
Asylum seekers held at Jandakot Airport - The West Australian (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/9382563/asylum-seekers-held-at-jandakot-airport/)

It was only a matter of time before this bit of commonwealth land got used I suppose.

At least we can be glad that at least the high security chalet village won't be bulldozed into oblivion in the near future...though no longer available to visiting pilots....or is one of the new tilt up concrete monstrosities going to be a detention centre?

That could explain why the place was crawling with feds earlier in the week. "Doing an exercise". Now we have SERCO guards armed with plastic chairs, that's OK then.

13th May 2011, 03:37
Ignoring the obvious "concerns" is the fact that JT is surrounded by a lot of scrub. Is this the plan to slowly filter them into society by simply giving them an easy opportunity to escape?

13th May 2011, 04:22
Jandakot used to be surrounded by scrub.... not anymore!

13th May 2011, 04:44
$500 a week for those pissy little things.. No wonder the government chose them

13th May 2011, 09:36
Unless these asylum seekers are intending to train as pilots, what is this doing in Dunnunda,Godzone....................move to jetblast please mods!:mad:

13th May 2011, 10:48
Whiskery, Just perhaps the recent events on Christmas Island and Villawood give valid reason for concerns about whether this type of activity is appropriate on the grounds of an airport that, despite the lack of RPT services, is classified as being "Security Controlled".

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during discussions between the feds and JAH. I wonder what concessions were given.

Clare Prop
13th May 2011, 11:37
AFP probes TV station's surveillance drone over Christmas Island | Perth Now (http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/afp-probes-tv-station-helicopter-drone-over-christmas-island/story-e6frg13u-1226055101664)

It will certainly affect us if flying over a detention centre turns out to be a federal offence and Jandakot Airport is to become a "prohibited area". If aircraft flying overhead distresses them then of course we will all have to bow down and close up shop.

Wouldn't JAH just love that! :mad:

13th May 2011, 12:01
They're just biding time until they can be bussed up to Northam :yuk:

13th May 2011, 13:11
At least the Spud Shed will have a cheaper workforce. Seriously thou are these chalets even fenced off?

13th May 2011, 13:44
are these chalets even fenced off?
Nope. But they do have a plain clothes security guard keeping everything under control :ugh:

13th May 2011, 14:58
Stop worrying. You have a helpful caring government who are on top of the situation.