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12th May 2011, 21:21
According to Olivia Worth on Sunrise this morning vs Barry Jackson, and I quote:

"mainline continues to recruit" - Olivia Worth

Blatant LIES!!!!!!!!

Otherwise a good interview, Koshy gave Olivia a hard time, was great to see.

12th May 2011, 21:26
Not sure I agree. Media hacks need to work on pilot representatives to get their points across and smiling doesn't help perceptions when talking about wages.

Not sure if Olivia is spinning or not but she was calm, kept to the key points and was much more serious.

You guys have GOT to win the media war on this one.

12th May 2011, 21:30
Disagree with the good interview bit.

Oliva got away unchecked with her lies. Australian Flag on Jetconnect? As you mentioned, mainline hiring.....

Koshie insinuated wages must come down - through essentially very basic economic supply/demand.....Based on previous form, he is not a friend of the pilots, he is on the side of accountants and QF (sponsors)

Barry came across as a good guy, but I think could have done more to put our case forward.

A couple of good points about QFs outsourcing failures regarding engine failures and maintenance...would have helped possibly......

I dunno, I know they are staying away from the wage issue, but there isnt much heavy return fire occurring.

12th May 2011, 22:00
As usual AIPA let Wirth get away with too much!!. If AIPA wants to take a stand they really need to get out there and spread the message. Australian jobs for Australian Pilots flying Australian aircraft .But let's face facts. AIPA has never taken a stand on anything so history will repeat itself. AIPA will roll over just as it has always done in the past!!!

12th May 2011, 22:33
Mainline continues to recruit??? I'm in mainline. That's news to me. Must've just been something dramatic change in the last 24 hrs. :rolleyes:

I've been of the opinion for a long while now that Koshie, as harmless as he comes across, grossly oversimplifies things and as a former economics reporter, is stuck heavily in that "beancounter" mindset.

Even if one of these cheap Asian mobs prangs a plane, Koshie will probably still not see what the problem is. In a recent incident a jumpseating QF bean-counter was told to leave the flight deck after stating that with the savings they had instituted they'd have no problems absorbing the cost of a fatal accident. This is the reality of what we're dealing with.

12th May 2011, 22:33
I thought QF won this episode. AIPA looked nice but didn't/couldn't kill the suggestions from Koshi or Olivia.

Could be the interview was not long enough to get into the details however Olivia looked more polished than previously and has obviously been worked on by her spin assists.

Each interview counts. Could have asked if QANTAS wants to earn profits in the same league as the banks through the use of foreign labor and outsourcing.

My thoughts only.

12th May 2011, 22:56
Does anyone know how I can see this interview online? Looked on the sunrise web site and can't seem to find any video links?

Appreciate any help.


12th May 2011, 23:38
Here it is:

Sunrise Videos Channel 7 (http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/)

On a personal note, we DID NOT get our message across, yet again! Whilst this is about "young people getting a chance at a career as a Qantas pilot", it is every bit about saving those jobs for current pilots. Because the current truly evil managers will replace us with indians immediately if they thought they could get away with it.

And clowns like Koch will sit back and let them and tell the bintang bogan mug punters that its good for them! :mad::mad::mad:

13th May 2011, 00:14
Koch isn't an idiot (in this case). Jetstar are a major sponsor of Sunrise. What side did you think he would lean too?
When ever I see that Jetconnect operated, Qantas Painted (now Wallaby wearing) ZK registered 737 with "SPIRIT OF AUSTRALIA" Written on the side of it I know just how unAustralian the current Qantas management are and where they want to take a once great icon.
And the utter disrespect that they have for Australians by painting that on the side of this operation is there for all to see.

13th May 2011, 00:21
Jetstar are a major sponsor of Sunrise. What side did you think he would lean too?
Hmmm. I forgot about that. Little wonder.

13th May 2011, 00:42

WRT your last sentence, you are certainly NOT going to get ANY sympathy from said people. Just as well you are not representing AIPA you idiot.

Have some respect to the people that pay your wages. Very unbalanced!

13th May 2011, 00:48
Qantas are probably referring to the 'strike breakers' that they ARE probably hiring.

Nulli Secundus
13th May 2011, 01:05
Oh dear!

Barry Jackson, sorry, that's a huge fail for mine. Up against a light-weight (Ms Wirth) and you deliver this.

Get in there Barry!! Make the issues come alive.

Barry Jackson: "....... no its not about the money its about careers for Australian pilots... so young pilots can have the career I've had". Are you kidding? Are you serious?? Is that really going to cut through the mountain of press releases trying to make page 3 let alone page 1? Guaranteed, you will have to punch far, far harder than that to get your message to market. You want influence at the negotiating table - you need to be on message at the media interviews!:)

Here's a thought: Raise the cross continent safety figures, the fast-track Jetstar Cadet programme = reduced skills/ safety message & the "our pilot wage levels mean best pilot standards" message! Oh and forget the 'iconic brand message' - it means very little today. i.e check out the new launch at Virgin Aus. Vs the share price. No change!

Barry, when you get air time: 10% answering their question, 90% getting your message to the ears of the people that buy the seats on your planes. Watch any experienced politician, they almost never answer the question & yes we all hate it, but they do get their agenda up.

Barry, please, engage a PR person, or if you one have already, get a new one. Oh, and also does the AIPA have other people that can front the media? I'm not saying Barry shouldn't but it adds enormous clout when there are 2 or more faces to broadcast a message.

Wally Mk2
13th May 2011, 01:16
I often read these threads with amusement. Are we really all that surprised at what these interviews end up like? Don't 4get the likes of Kochi couldn't care less what happens he'll still get paid & have more followers if he sensationalizes any interviews towards QF/Jetstar (as has been said sponsors) & that makes money for his employer. TV reporters have a lot of clout these days as Jo Public haven't got a clue what really goes on out there in the real world of aviation or any business for that matter so they ( the public) believe what the box says. The public in general still believe pilots/engineers are overpaid, that mindset will never change so coupling that with big Co's such as QF with management who has no idea we have an un-win-able situation only made worse by the likes of Kochi .
Obviously QF is a publicly listed Co. The main task of those at the top is to get a good return for it's share holders at any cost whilst lining their own deep pockets obviously, the latter we are seeing more & more these days sadly.

In a nut shell TV presenters/reporters are just tools used/manipulated by big business & for Govt spin.


Bypass ratio
13th May 2011, 01:27
Careers for Australian pilots? Well I can say that as a former Captain with a certain Qantas "turboprop operator", Nepotism was rife within the Qantas recruitment arm. The number of pilots I saw that were shafted (including me) for the most rediculous reasons only added to the bulls%it that your going through today. Don't think for a minute that everyone is on your side. It's funny to see how the tables have turned and that my QF buddies who are here in the desert with me are now laughing and enjoying their widebody commands after 4 years. Sorry, but pushing the line "careers for Australian pilots" is more like "nepotism has pushed Australian pilots overseas" just like the rest of your rediculous operation. Many thanks to the lies of Barry Diam0nd & Greg Fitzgera1d. I still remember walking out of your Simulator check, as part of the recruitment process and thanking the guy. I used his first name and he said to me "As I am a Captain for Qantas, you should refer to me as Captain". I new then that this was a tosser organisation of mammoth proportions. I think his name was Rob somebody??:D

psycho joe
13th May 2011, 01:35
I can't help but wonder, where is Dick Smith in all of this?

DS is an avid supporter of buying Australian products. He tells us of the importance of buying Australian biscuits, and has an opinion about many aspects of aviation. yet when it comes to outsourcing Australian aviation the silence is deafening.

13th May 2011, 01:56
Cant believe that Worthless got away with that and the other BS she spouted.

Barry could have been a it more strategic and a bit more on-target.

Nobody cares about about weak motherhood statements offering future hope for some rich kid to get a run as a pilot. The issues are safety, safety, safety, public confidence in safety, and protecting Australian jobs.

Remember they are systematicaly gutting everyone who works for QF by cutting corners to line their own pockets
- not even the shareholders are getting a return (getting close to that magic $2)
- the travelling public are having to hub through Sydney or Singapore
- the a/c are old tired and dirty
- food and IFE are third world
- and passengers are paying more to cover the costs of manager's fines and stuff ups (like the reconfig of the 330-200's)
- the only people getting a benefit are Joyce and the Execs.

In these kind of interviews AIPA needs to slam Olivia - after all her only aviation experience is sitting in a first class seat.

The other line to run is that Q is deliberately backdooring Australian bi-lateral agreements by gifting QF routes to JQAsia and the other franchises/sub-franchises.

We need a Q&A episode on QF - I'd be happy to be on the panel and ask a few hard questions...

oh ....how's that engagement survey report going?????

and....proving QF Execs don't have a clue:
what was that mindless twitter message sent Australia wide by Q media this morning lauding the time taken to fly SYD to MEL compared to crossing the Harb Bridge and asking for traffic stories!!!!........ traffic here in BNE was fine thanks!


13th May 2011, 02:15
Should have shot down Olivia when she stated mainline were still hiring. Also should have taken Koshie to task when he started banging on about competitive wages. What about management wages, what about the fact that corporate people sail through different organisations, create havoc, make a buck move on. No one ever questions their salary. Pilots and engineers are the Aviation long term professionals, we take a long time to train and are responsible for safety in day to day ops. Barry should have fired back some questions about "where does it end", who will want to be a pilot in Australia, given the high cost of training if there are no rewards, what sort of people will you attract, will it take an accident.....the list goes on. Bit dissappointed especially for some of my friends who work for QF. Glad I don't.

13th May 2011, 02:29
The problem that we all face in the qantas group is one where management is hell bent on this idea of the only way to survive is to put everything overseas. A crazy notion. It's a shame they don't share their employees enthusiasm for competition and embrace them to their advantage.
Something about respect, and respecting your passengers as well.
I also believe that joe public watching sunrise doesn't really give sh^t about the pilots fight but what should be illustrated to them is that this could occur in many other industries as well. Example to illustrate to david Koch.
G'day Kochie, we are moving the sunrise production to NZ, singapore, malaysia, bangladesh etc(insert management off shore base here) because we save on cost and will transmit back to oz for a fraction of the rental cost here in martin place. Don't worry about your aus tax, we will pay you straight into your philipino bank account. The pesos don't cover your super as we wont have a legal obligation in that regard. Here's your contract or piss off...

So not only can pilots be outsourced, so can many other operations, ie jobs in OZ. If it can happen to a group of pilots it can happen to you as well. I wonder what Kochie would think? Maybe someone can ask him when he's in his business seat on the cityflyer down to melbourne next week.

And finally let's not forget Olivia Wirth use to work for Joe Hockey. Already, he has hinted at this dispute a few weeks ago in his time on sunrise. He's definately not on the pilots or engineers side. Perhaps he needs to advise treasury what the likely impact on the reduction in personal tax revenues will be should the qantas plan be implemented and the what the hit will be when Rio, BHP, channel 7 (insert other employers you can think off that would want to try this.) decide their employees no longer need to be here in australia for their corporate purpose.

13th May 2011, 02:38
Biggest mistake to say that "yes we are well paid". (note- i am NOT a QF pilot)

You guys are "fairly paid for your extensive knowledge and skill required to pilot a modern airliner".

In todays world of 24 hour news and the "headline grab" you cant afford to look squirmish and then deliver an own goal to the company spokeswoman.

What about at the end when Wirth goes "We are keen to see the Union remain at the negotiating table". Why couldnt the latest Jetstar lack-of negotiations be quickly raised as getting the last point in instead of just saying "no we are not going to strike".

I dont know Barry personally, and he is probably a top bloke, but a LOT more rehearsal is required before going on segments such as this. You need to public on side.

13th May 2011, 03:15
Qantas pilots are well paid on a world scale


NZ pilots are paid well below our minimum

These two quotes are from Barry Jackson in an argument for job security.

It doesn't bode well, what about the Qantaslink pilots Barry. This is starting to smell like 'elitism' after that interview.

13th May 2011, 04:04

I dont think you read my post very well. That you didnt is not surprising. I've generally found most of your posts abrasive in their nature.

The "bogans" dont generally pay my salary. And I have a great deal more respect for them than I do for someone like you here gets on here and calls others idiots while hiding behind a veil of anonimity.

Now go away.

13th May 2011, 04:14
In a nut shell TV presenters/reporters are just tools used/manipulated by big business & for Govt spin. Yes, and Channel 7 are by far the worst offenders to be "manipulated" by the likes of the Qantas group, the advertising revenue Ch 7 receive for Jetstar alone is one of their top ten accounts. Free to air television news is suffering from dwindling audiences and carries little weight with people in the know.

For that time of the day, Barry Jackson came over well, OW came over better than usual but that was because the questions she was asked were lightweight, I doubt she influenced anyone, except may be mum & dad.:E

Aim Point
13th May 2011, 04:22
Update from Qantas Pilot Recruitment

As at January 2010
This website is the first point of contact for all current Letter of Intent holders and future applicants.
At present, the Qantas Direct Entry Trainee Second Officer Scheme is on hold and no new applications are being accepted. Candidates are requested to continually monitor this website for updated information and are therefore advised not to contact Pilot Recruitment directly in relation to future employment opportunities or provide current resume details as they will not be processed.
Candidates who were contacted during January 2009 to advise them that their application had been closed due to the suspension of recruitment, will be required to submit a new online application once Second Officer opportunities become available, and post Letter of Intent recruitment activities. As previously stated please do not contact Pilot Recruitment with updated CVs or professional details as this information is currently not being processed.

Someones telling porkies!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

13th May 2011, 05:48
And they wonder why we don't trust or believe what they say..:ugh:

13th May 2011, 05:48
Sex, lies and videotape...:=

13th May 2011, 05:54
The stakes are very high for us - Olivia Wirth

Liv darling, at the end of the day, you are in the PR industry, the stakes are not high for you, it makes no difference if you are employed by Qantas, or NewsCorp or BHP.

This is our industry, and industry that we work very hard to be in and make sacrifices to get to Qantas, so much so that once there it makes it very hard to leave (see the aftermath of Ansett), this is our industry and our life. The stakes are very high for us.

13th May 2011, 23:23
A few people on hear suggesting OW did ok in the interview.
Given the relationship between the Qantasia group and Sunrise a suspicious person like me might think maybe the questions had been 'leaked' to one side, or more likely provided by one side to Kochie.
I'd put money on it.

Don Diego
15th May 2011, 07:31
Yet another abject failure from AIPA:ugh::ugh::ugh:If you chaps keep dishing this up then you are in for a hiding. For crying down the sink just HIRE a spokesperson who can handle the media and knows how they operate.

15th May 2011, 10:38
They did once Don.
Then Bazza and the boys sacked him when they gained control.
That chap is now working for the Gingerbeers I've been told.
The gingerbeers certainly appear to be able to get their message out there clearly.

Let's not forget Bazza and his group of Einsteins sh!t canned the Sale Act Case hours before disclosure.
Now you get Capt DFC,with bar quacking on about how naughty Qantas is circumventing the Sale Act??? Go figure!
This is also by and large the same exec who regally reigned under that AIPA dynasty that sat idly by whilst most of this rot set in, until they were Holted(sic).

The future is bright, The future is Orange!:(

15th May 2011, 20:19
How do we know QF management are talking Porky Pies......

Because they're speaking.

They really need to be followed around with a wheel barrow these days or risk being fined for littering with all the s**t comming out of their mouths.