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View Full Version : Geoffrey Thomas (Was "Sunrise 12th May")

11th May 2011, 22:03
Mods have closed the thread saying "Sunrise and Today hold as much credibility as ACA and Today Tonight". Unfortunately these shows appeal to the masses rather than "the thinking person"; Joyce & co know this and can rely on the likes of Thomas to spread their PR spin. That's what is hurting everyone in our industry.

I saw the Thomas 'interview' and nearly chucked my coffee cup thru the hotel TV screen - how this cr@p can be passed off as "expert commentary" is beyond me.

We need to push Scumrise etc to get someone like Ben Sandilands on air to state the facts. I've used their Feedback page to suggest that - if others do the same they might take interest.

11th May 2011, 22:35
Get Andrew Bolt on the job, then watch them start squirming.

11th May 2011, 22:41
And thereafter, his one/misguided commentary, was the Jetstar ad.

Fine journalism CH 7.

Another win for the Q spin. Never let the truth get i ...................

Barry Mundy
11th May 2011, 22:54
Like you Over_Centre i could beleive my ears. Im not a QANTAS employee but the job Thomas did on QANTAS engineers and Pilots was very deadly especially in the eyes of Joe Public. I thought he was supposed to be an independant journalist. Unions are going to need some very good publicity now.

Cadets will save the day.

11th May 2011, 23:00
On another channel Olivia Wirth was on ABC news 24 this morning but found Virginia Trioli not exactly swallowing all the BS spin.

It was just starting to get interesting as Wirth had to come up with more BS to make the previous BS she spruiked sound believable.

Pity the segment didn't have a bit more time for Trioli to continue taking her to task.

11th May 2011, 23:51
Get Andrew Bolt on the job, then watch them start squirming.
Andrew Bolt argues exclusively from one extreme end of the political spectrum.

He is most likely to align with corporate interests, especially if he can squeeze in a bit of union-bashing (eg, pilot's union, LAMEs, even if it's not at all relevant to the point or just plain wrong). About 1 in 100 times he writes/says something sensible.

12th May 2011, 00:21
Andrew Bolt argues exclusively from one extreme end of the political spectrum

For Andrew Bolt's, and his readership's views, look right here:

Killing Qantas doesn’t save the jobs there | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog (http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/killing_qantas_doesnt_save_the_jobs_there)

Flying Binghi
12th May 2011, 00:35
...especially if he can squeeze in a bit of union-bashing (eg, pilot's union, LAMEs, even if it's not at all relevant to the point or just plain wrong)...

Hmmm... i did a search of the Bolt site using "pilot's union" and "LAME" ...Not much to see except i'm reminded of who "decimated the pilots union"

Maybe there is another reason fer the DutchRoll dislike of Bolt. Perhaps DutchRoll dont like the way Bolt has been pointing out the shear stupidity of the global warming hysteria.:hmm:


12th May 2011, 00:41
Yep. As predicted. And I didn't even know Bolt had done that brief column!

Job security clauses reducing the use of cheap outside labour are "more likely to hurt long-term job security than to protect it."

I suppose Andrew is thinking that if everything in Qantas is outsourced overseas, there will be no Australian jobs requiring job-security. So yep, no job security problems. That's what I call "Bolt-logic" at its best. His readers lap it up and all stick the boot in for good measure. Very standard fare for a Bolt column.

Binghi - trying to get yourself banned from yet another blog? At least try to stay on topic. If you want to discuss other topics I'm happy to do that in an appropriate thread or forum. I don't think the mods will take too kindly to you hijacking the thread.

Flying Binghi
12th May 2011, 00:41
We need to push Scumrise etc to get someone like Ben Sandilands on air to state the facts.

Sandilands would be good if he could stay off the CO2 cool-aid..:hmm:

Perhaps a global warming hysteric aviation 'expert' is just what Sunrise and co want..;)


12th May 2011, 00:49
He's a contributing writer for Australian Aviation...

I personal will never again buy AA whilst this man continues to display NO KNOWLEDGE of the industry. I hope crew become aware of his stance, and is routinely returned to his purchased seat (de-graded as it were).

As for Sunrise, I have too many teeth, and more brain cells than the average target audience, and this prevents me from being able to watch this show without bodily fluids escaping all my orifices violently and simultaneously.


12th May 2011, 00:58
He also writes for the West Australian,coincidently owned by channel 7.

12th May 2011, 01:00
That's a great idea.

We should all boycott buying Australian Aviation until this bloke is removed from their payroll.

People power. :ok:

12th May 2011, 01:38
50 people on PPRuNe boycotting Australian Aviation, that's bound to get him removed! :ugh:

50000 other aviation nerds and private pilots continue to buy AA!

12th May 2011, 02:02
Perhaps you could simply ask Mr Thomas what perks/hospitality he receives from Qantas?

That might put his independence on display.

12th May 2011, 02:08
[email protected]

more effective place to vent your 'concerns'

Captain Dart
12th May 2011, 02:15
AA, after promising beginnings decades ago, became a 'wally's' magazine.

I never renewed my subscription after the hysterical and unbalanced reporting and editorials by its previous editor of events during 'the year that dare not speak its name'. Without getting into the usual gory details, there were two sides to it as there are to all disputes, but AA made absolutely no effort to get the pilots' side of the story.

I idly glanced at a mate's copy a year or two ago and it happened to include a farewell from the outgoing editor, and even in his teary 'goodbye readers', some two decades after the event, he had to stick the boot into the domestic pilots.

Mostly AA is 'Private Pilots' and QANTAS Monthly'.

12th May 2011, 02:19
And that, as they say.... Is that. :ok: