View Full Version : Seneca Performance Figures?

7th May 2011, 15:06
Does anyone have general performance figures for a Seneca - I've read 24" 2400RPM cruise climb and 22" 2200RPM cruise. Not sure of Vr, air speeds for cruise climb or cruise or appraoch speeds etc. Just want something fairly general for procedural work on flight sim. Thanks

7th May 2011, 19:45

Does this help?

Click Here (http://usaflite.com/senecahandbook.html)

8th May 2011, 10:15
Thanks - had already found that. It's the power and manifold pressure settings I'm particularly interested in, as well as the typical appraoch speed.

8th May 2011, 13:56
Here's what I had for a Seneca II (looks like maybe you're talking about a I with NA engines, so this probably won't help):

Vmc 66 kts
Vy 89 kts
T/O power: 36/2575, rotate 71 kts, climb at Vy
Cruise Climb: 32/2450 102 kts
Cruise: 28/2400
Appch: Downwind 100kts
Final, full flaps 83 kts
Short final over numbers 78 kts

It's been so long since I've flown the Seneca, I don't recall if these numbers are really how I flew it or not.