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View Full Version : Recruitment Drive for more Slaves

7th May 2011, 00:23
Anyone seen this article

NZ's top pilot training company ramps up national recruiting drive | infonews.co.nz New Zealand's local news community (http://www.infonews.co.nz/news.cfm?id=66805)

Has anyone thought about going along to hear the pitch and perhaps to ask a searching question or two?

Might be a worthwhile exercise.

7th May 2011, 08:56
Picture at the top right: What does "tackoff" mean?:E

7th May 2011, 09:01
Well spotted. Perhaps their spelling/proof reading is as good as their training :E

Runaway Gun
7th May 2011, 18:04
Stop picking on their accents ;)

The Kelpie
10th May 2011, 08:33
This Is CTC trying to maximize the number of 'no commitment' students onto the books before the Jetstar Cadet programme becomes unviable as a result of min requirements being introduced into Australia in line with New Zealand at least.

Buyer Beware. The contract says if the airline withdraws support you just continue on the overpriced course with no job prospect or alternatively leave.

This is a real possibility.


More to Follow

The Kelpie

Macchi 408
10th May 2011, 08:50
According to Mr Calvert, career opportunities in the industry have never looked better as worldwide demand for pilots is growing. He predicts this surge will continue throughout the next few years with many of the current requests for pilots coming from airlines across the Asia Pacific region.

I really wonder how many suckers fall for this and sign their money away without any research.