View Full Version : Australian trainee heli pilots and paying passengers

6th May 2011, 06:05
Hey guys, to any of you out there who can help, i just wanted to know how trainee heli pilots in aus manage to get on with paying costs for the hiring of helicopters; i mean i know it can be expensive at times.
have any of you ever been forced to take paying people up with you to get through your training, or at least know of people who have had to?

hit me up if you can help me on this

6th May 2011, 07:06
Mmmmm ....

Just what are you fishing for .... :=

Hopefully EVERY aspiring professional pilot would know NOT to do anything like that!


6th May 2011, 07:38
Work hard and save your money for a long time! Beg and borrow where possible and be prepared to have to continue working while training. Hunt around to find a training school that suits the way you are best going to learn, not necessarily the cheapest.
As for taking paying passengers, not going to happen until you have a hard earned piece of paper with CPL(h) written on it.

6th May 2011, 12:10
20 years in Australian GA and I've never - I mean never - seen what you're suggesting. Learning to fly helicopters isn't "expensive at times", it's always expensive; every single step of the way.

Students are amazingly resourceful in acquiring the readies: Stock shelves in the local supermarket at night, work behind bars, sweep hangars, work in depressing offices, beg & borrow from rellies ... One of my students somehow persuaded his wife that they should move back in with his parents, and then used the money from renting out their house to pay for the lessons. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation :eek:

I used to teach a bloke who had a second job pumping petrol every weekend, and after a month he'd have saved up enough to pay for a flight. That guy truly earnt every moment he spent behind the controls, and he was the best prepared student I've ever seen when he turned up for a lesson.

And you come on to a professional pilots' forum to ask if we've seen students forced to finance their flight training with illegal flying. No self-funded student pilot was ever forced to fly, let alone do this to pay for it.

7th May 2011, 00:04
From memory if you do your PPLH first this does allow your passengers to legally contribute to the cost of hiring the aircraft as long as you also contribute your share. You could also fly a variety of other private operations eg. cattle spotting/mustering on a station that owns their own aircraft that would allow you to build hours towards a CPLH.

I believe this is more common for fixed wing students in Aus and as stated above most Australian rotary wing students favour the less creative, simpler and quicker option of stealing the cash and going straight through to CPLH.

7th May 2011, 06:13
hey thanks for your input guys.
its been something ive been wondering about, as ive been doing a research paper on the subject. its very reassuring to know that we all are aiming at keeping the skies safe for everyone! :)
even still if any of you out there have heard of anything of the sort please let me know.
also for my own info, do we know wot the punishable consequences from doing something like this could/would be?

7th May 2011, 10:13
This really must be the, and if not very close to the dumbest thread I have ever seen on here... WTF are you talking about??
If you're fishing not only are there no fish in the creek but your bait sucks ar5e ..... real bad!!

Peter PanPan
7th May 2011, 10:52
Pretty lame indeed...:bored:

7th May 2011, 22:20
Go and read the CAR's and all the info will be presented to you!

Ascend Charlie
8th May 2011, 00:23
Taking "paying passengers" after you have done your GFPT will still cost you money because you will have to pay for your share of the flight - you will not be making anything out of it, your bank account is going down.

8th May 2011, 09:19
ive been doing a research paper on the subject


if any of you out there have heard of anything of the sort please let me know.


do we know wot the punishable consequences from doing something like this could/would be?


Now go away.