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View Full Version : ATPL theory, Do i have what it takes?

3rd May 2011, 17:54
Hi all, After PPL ground school exams being taught on a 1 to 1 basis and with
my instructor almost pulling her hair out at times do i have what it takes to achieve Atpl level?
My problem is i really struggle to self learn from books and it's not from lack of trying or laziness it just simply doesn't sink in
Are these exams really so difficult?
After searching is there such thing as 1 to 1 tuition for atpl theory or is the Modular/Integrated route my only choice?

Thank you

Cape Fear
4th May 2011, 05:40
Go to Bristol ground school, they are very good but you will have to put the work in. good luck

4th May 2011, 13:21
I'm sure given time and effort you'll be fine. They really aren't that hard, (all GCSE/ Some AS Level type stuff) though there is quite a volume of gumph to take in I suppose.

Piltdown Man
4th May 2011, 13:32
At some time you will have to learn how to self-study. It is unavoidable, even if you manage to get through the ATPL course (which will cost you considerably more than the going rate if you have to have one-to-one tuition throughout), you will have to be capable of self study when (or if) you get a job. Matt101 has accurately described the difficulty but another way might be to envisage a mountain of rice which you have to eat. Unfortunately, you are only given a very small teaspoon - it's the quantity and not the level that makes these examinations difficult. And if you do take the modular route, you'll become the pain in the course if a) slow everybody else up and/or b) take all the spare time the instructor has.

4th May 2011, 16:19
In addition to what Piltdown Man and Matt101 have posted, I'd add that you should consider that everyone finds some of the subjects easier and some harder. Normally Met and Gen Nav are the two people find hardest, but you might find they just "fit" the way your brain works. Finding something you CAN do, and diverting attention there for a couple of hours is a good way of fending off the frustrations of not understanding Lamberts conical conformal orthomorphic charts at first glance

The other thing to consider is that to succeed kind of takes what boxers call "heart" - there will be many, many, many times you'll want to put your CRP5 through the wall, but if you have the perseverance and will power and determination and sheer chutzpah to carry on, you'll get there eventually. Just be warned that the mountain of rice (PM - nice analogy btw!) doesn't go down very quickly and can seem very daunting even just before the very last teaspoon full.

5th May 2011, 00:54
Guys thank you, 1 day soon i may be back on here to say how i'm getting on :)
Im sure this helps other people thinking the study may be too much..
Thanks again :ok:

5th May 2011, 09:34
I think you have certainly had your inital post answered and I wish you good luck with the exams. FWIW I did my ATPL exams in four weeks at the age of 46 so you have the advantage of youth on your side!

To prevent the thread being hijacked, I'll close it now and look forward to hearing when you have passed.