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View Full Version : FlyDubai...but why SkyDubai?

30th Apr 2011, 06:58
Always wondered why FlyDubai's callsign is "SkyDubai" and not "FlyDubai".
Anyone know?


30th Apr 2011, 07:11
Yes, noticed that as well...and it's so NOT cute at all!
If they want to be called Skydubai, why didn't they name their airline like so?
Or why name it FlyDubai when they want to be called SkyDubai???
Is this another SpeedBird rubbing into it?

Voodoo 3
30th Apr 2011, 07:50
One reason I heard is that when the proposal for a callsign was put forward to ICAO or whomever deals with those issues, felt that if you said 'Flydubai', it could be construed possibly to mean 'fly direct to dubai' therefore changing your routing when not actually meaning to. The fact that you would have a number after the callsign as well should mitigate that from happening.

Maybe there were others reasons too. Anyway, Skydubai's alright!


Old King Coal
30th Apr 2011, 09:33
Fack5. Rumour has it that there was something of a 'local' ATC element involved in that runway event (poor / non-stanard phraseology playing its part?! ). Of course (being that this is a no blame culture) someone had to be blamed... and so go figure who that was?! Thus the Captain was sacked (which in the local venacular can be read as 'resigned' ) ?!

Voodoo 3
30th Apr 2011, 12:23
then once again the lowest common denominator dictates the prevailing standard

F5 You could apply that to almost every law, notice, diktat in life we have to put up with.

Tower Ranger
30th Apr 2011, 18:04
Just let me clear something up, there was no local or expat ATC factor involved in the unauthorised Flydubai rwy crossing. The phraseology was standard and was read back but not adhered to.

30th Apr 2011, 22:36
Oh they do that just to troll everyone on 126200 & 124900 :}


1st May 2011, 03:32
FlyDubai is registed with gulf aero, a heli opp in Dubai. They had their company name stolen by the low cost carrier but the callsign remains hence the need for skydubai.

1st May 2011, 05:49
yes, they had a tourist offshoot with a bell jetranger..called it flydubai a year or so before the loco carrier. not sure if it survived the re shuffle after thir rig tragedy though.

1st May 2011, 13:50
Oh 'Sky dubai'.....well well

and here I was wondering who the hell " Skuddlebutt" was.