View Full Version : Tsa check and approval question

doubtful pilot
30th Apr 2011, 01:26
Hello friends, I'm new to this forum, I have a question and I think here maybe someone can answer my concern.

I'm waiting for approval by the TSA for a course of B737NG, which is a greater weight to 12500 lbs MTOW.

The problem for me is that I have a crime in the past when I was 18years old for marijuana possesion driving in a car 11 years ago also I was declared by my self guilty and charged by this crime. After 11 years I was forgiven by the U.S. government and the Department of Homeland Security DHS U.S. Now I got my U.S. visa waiver again.

I do not know if because my past in this crime I will be denied to join the simulator by the TSA, or if because I already have the U.S. and DHS waiver granted, I will have the authorization simulator because since that I have no other crime in the past and the US gorvernment forgive myself.

Thanks for your responses.
