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View Full Version : von Essen and PremiAir.

LGW Vulture
22nd Apr 2011, 08:23
I note the administration of von Essen, see below.....

Von Essen in administration after defaulting on interest - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/leisure/8467241/Von-Essen-in-administration-after-defaulting-on-interest.html)

......how is the future looking for another Andrew Davis venture, PremiAir?

LGW Vulture
17th Jun 2011, 19:00
First Mr. Davis misses out on his Knighthood - thanks to the under handed tactics of some questionable Overseas Territories :D (allegedly)

Then the Hotel chain falls by the wayside ..................

Now I hear Close Brothers have had to organise more deliveries of toilet paper!

......... watch this space.

17th Jun 2011, 20:10
That's very cryptic mr vulture :suspect: Can you spell it out a bit better for us dimwits ? :E

LGW Vulture
11th Jul 2011, 14:07

Andrew Davis' Von Essen Aviation could lose Battersea Heliport - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/8627741/Andrew-Davis-Von-Essen-Aviation-could-lose-Battersea-Heliport.html)

11th Jul 2011, 14:40
Always more than meets the eye when someone own more than one company and one is in trouble. Let's hope all is well.

In Sep 2000, company (25 staff) I worked for had a major (£250,000) renaming/re-launch. The owner owned 4 companies and all seemed well.... lot's of customers and gaining new ones.

6th Dec 2000 (my birthday), turned up for work in my company car, only to be asked for the keys by a nice guy from Price Waterhouse Coopers. Was not even allowed in the premises to collect personal belongings.

11th Jul 2011, 19:21
I am surprised that the Heliport might be sold, the Verta is it the jewel in Von Essen's crown. The aviation side seemed profitable well that what I was told whilst working there.

Although Premiair are expanding with new aircraft both fixed wing and rotary it will be an interesting few months - best of luck to the ops guys, very experienced.


5th Nov 2011, 22:14
Any more news on what's happening at Premier now that the MD has resigned? Are jobs and contracts secure or is this first sign of rats leaving the sinking ship!

6th Nov 2011, 07:57
Rats and sinking ships I'd say, he's not the only person who's left of late.

7th Nov 2011, 03:51

I dont think the MD of Premiair has resigned? David McRobert is still there, the head of charter Neil Gibson is leaving.

Premiair will be sold as an assest for Andrew Davies little empire.

Not bad company to work for, shame about some of the managers.