View Full Version : Boys from Brazil

22nd Apr 2011, 00:18
A 'oiseau' mentioned in passing that the big E has cut the head off the corporate division...new head now being put in place, down South.....

Only a vicious rumour but wonder if that may mean a change of policy for aircraft development?

Strange that if true, nothing mentioned on the website a week after....and a publicly traded company and all that....Hmmmm:ooh:

If this turns out to be correct, the secrecy before announcing will scream volumes.......

I guess we watch this space over the next few weeks to see if it is true.....rumour network indeed.....!

4th May 2011, 22:30
Any update?

All the best,


5th May 2011, 14:06
This from Embraer today:

São José dos Campos, May 5, 2011 – Embraer S.A. hereby informs of the following changes
in the composition of its Executive Board, effective as of the month of May:
 Luís Carlos Affonso takes over responsibility for New Programs, and will be succeeded
as the head of the Executive Aviation business by Ernest Edwards, who was formerly
responsible for marketing and sales in North America and the Caribbean;
 Mauro Kern takes over responsibility for the Engineering and Technology area, and
Emílio Matsuo moves to the recently created position of Chief Engineer;
 In the Operations area, Hélio Bambini will head up Industrial Operations.