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View Full Version : Holding both licenses Rotary and fixed wing

21st Apr 2011, 08:56
Im going over to the states now to do my fixed wing license all the way up to CPL with 200 hrs ME with instructors rating with TT 259.
So right now i plan on working my way up in fixed wing gain experience and hrs instructing and later on get a helicopter CPL on top of that with maybe an instructors rating.

I'm think later on and hope to try find a company that uses fixed wing and rotary so fly fixed wing for them as i have the experience and hrs by then i hope but instruct in helicopters to build hours and at the same time keep my licenses current. so once i have enough hours in helicopters from instructing i can fly helicopters also for the company if theres space doing charters or what ever other field they do oil rigs or maybe stick to instructing over the weekends.

Another is with the hrs in fixed wing. fly for an airline 737 which i would also like to achieve and I've heard of airline pilots that have both licenses they fly for an airline thats their career and over the weekends or their days off they instruct or do charters in helicopters which keeps them flying on their off days but I'm sure that is hard to have or find a helicopter company that will take you on and really rely on you that you will be at the school the next weekend to do a charter or instruct a student and not be called to fill in for another pilot by the airlines.

So how did you do it if i may ask??? I'm trying to find out from others how they did it and keep both licenses current. i love the challenges that flying gives you even when flying both types of aircraft and of course the reward in the end to fly.

Also is it true about flying hrs if you have 2hrs fixed wing you can take 1 hr for helicopter??? so if lets say i get 2000hrs in a fixed wing could 1000hrs go towards helicopters? how could that be possible because then with 1000 hrs put on to helicopter i would have enough hours to be hired for a helicopter job but i haven't really flown 1000 hrs in a helicopter, so wouldn't have the PIC,night hrs, etc

Thanks for your time, look forward to hearing what you guys have to say.
Have a great weekend.


21st Apr 2011, 09:40
So none of this was any help to you?


Let me summarise .... very few pilots are completely current on both and those that are, advise sticking to one or the other.

what ever other field they do oil rigsAin't gonna happen for oil rigs.

Sorry if you're not getting the answers you want to hear. If you're made of money (as you will have to be to be employable on both fixed wing and rotary), then to keep current on both, you just pay for it.

If you think a 737 type-rating is eye-watering, just think of a JAA IR(H) at approx £45k for costly flying!



21st Apr 2011, 19:03
I've seen it pay off for guys in the US who fly for Customs and Border Protection and guys flying corporate for companies that have both planes and choppers, but that's about it. Otherwise it becomes an expensive hobby for one or the other.

As far as the fifty percent rule, the only time that I have personally seen it was an airline in the US in their hiring said "We also value rotary wing time and will credit 50% up to 500 hrs". Your mileage may vary

22nd Apr 2011, 05:19
Wasn't this thread somewhat longer - or have I got a CRAFT moment? :)


22nd Apr 2011, 07:39
Not a CRAFT moment paco - the OP has duplicated this on Rotorheads. But it IS a deja vu moment from a few months ago.



23rd Apr 2011, 14:52
Aha, a parallel time line then :)


24th Apr 2011, 10:58
All rotary jobs will require you to have time on type. not factored.

25th Apr 2011, 17:43
I have both commercial licences. It's a PITA to keep current. Not worth it. Do one or the other.