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19th Apr 2011, 13:10
I nave an important question for you.
This is my situation:I'm young italian pilot,I have PPL licence,ATPL-Jaa(italian authority) theory exams and now I will finish the last of 150hrs cross country like PIC.
So,I would like apply,for my CPL/IR/MEP modular,in spanish FTO;but someone told me that Spanish authoriy not recognize ATPL theory exams from foreign country...IT IS TRUE??because it seems strange...
I hope that someone help me!!!
Thanks to all!!!
You can reply also in spanish!

19th Apr 2011, 13:38
Yes it is true. Most countries will not accept theory exams from another country, there are some exceptions. Sometimes they will accept but you need to have it in writing ahead of time. Some countries will accept exams from another country with paperwork and for a fee. But generally speaking, your exams are not valid in Spain

19th Apr 2011, 14:25
You know what I Can do to recognize the examination?
There is a way?

19th Apr 2011, 16:43
You can call the DGAC at the Ministro de Fomento and ask for Aviacion Civil and talk to somebody and see what they say. No guarantees