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View Full Version : iPhone/iPad and NZ/AUS ATPLs

18th Apr 2011, 10:43
Was thinking there is a market for someone to put ATPL information in an iPhone/iPad app for New Zealand and Australia.

At the moment you can only download UK ATPL study notes for $10 a subject.

If someone was onto it, could make a great app with interactive practise exams etc.

Just need to find someone with ATPL know how and then the app making know how

18th Apr 2011, 10:49
Maybe get in touch with Nathan up at Sunshine Coast .. when I was there he seemed to be in touch with 'gadets like the rest of us ... :D

Advanced Flight Theory (http://aft.com.au/)

18th Apr 2011, 23:38
Just need to find someone with ATPL know how and then the app making know how
Not to mention a whole lot of time to do it and a large enough market of people willing to pay enough to make it worth their while! :)

It would really need to be someone who owns existing course material, lowering the investment greatly.

A friend of mine is doing his CPLs and on some subject was consistently scoring 90+% on the electronic practice exams, then went to see CASA and failed every time, with scores in the 60s. So he gets a tutor who looks at the electronic learning stuff and exams and tells him: "this is what CASA was testing 10 years ago".

Looks like they got it developed once by a programmer and haven't touched it since and using it as a cash cow. Better hope that doesn't happen with any iPad apps!

19th Apr 2011, 09:13
For crying out loud, why does anyone need an app for this sort of thing. It seems that iPhone and iPad owners think they need an app for everything.

You are catering with a specialised product to a small market at least compared to places like Europe of the US. To do this sort of thing properly requires a fair bit of development and on going updating, and then to limit yourself only to Apple owners really shrinks the market somewhat.

Get out the books and do the study.

19th Apr 2011, 11:15
Fair enough 27/09, but we all have to justify the tax deduction for our new toys somehow!

20th Apr 2011, 05:08
Instead of an app the more appropriate way to present this type of information would simply be an online book. You should lobby the publishers of the current textbooks to make their material available through the Apple iBooks store and then you could download it and study on your iPad. They'd have to see a good financial incentive in it, though, so the limited market will be a problem.