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View Full Version : British Passport Renewal / Second Passport ?

14th Apr 2011, 14:56
Anybody in the sandpit renewed their British Passport in recent months , since the issuance moved to Germany ?
My current one was perfectly adequate for many years , but 3 years out here has filled it up at an alarming rate . It has 2 years to expiry but I need to renew and/or get a 2nd one if possible .
Reading all the websites it appears impossible to hang on to the current one for the 4 weeks required to renew .This obviously is a problem for an airline pilot .
Anybody got any ideas please ?

14th Apr 2011, 18:58
I tried calling the help line to ask, but you have to give a credit card to do this and it costs 4 quid....WTF!!!!
If anyone gets info on this pls spread the word,


14th Apr 2011, 19:10
I was in the same boat.... Only way I was able to get it done in the end was to fly to the UK to get it done.

As they wanted me to send my only passport (at the time) along with the application, which outside of the UK can take 6 weeks.

Got 2 passports in London in 4 hours.


14th Apr 2011, 20:34
Airline pilots are entitled to obtain a second passport.

You will need to get a letter from your employee stating you are employed and you need a current passport to continue your duties as which they support your application for a second passport.

As I understand this cannot be done online but needs to be done using the standard form. You need to fill it in as if applying for a "first passport" with all required documentation, using the notes section to state it is for a second passport.

Send it with you letter and you should get your second passport no problem, I would also suggest you opt for the 42 page instead of the standard 36 page.

Hope this helps

15th Apr 2011, 03:27
Thanks everybody , most helpful .
PT6A - the 2 passports in 4 hours - how did you do that with all the queues ?

15th Apr 2011, 04:01
I prebooked a slot at the passport office near to Victoria Station.
Checked in, and was told my pictures were not as per spec.
Taken by very nice Indian in Al Barsha, who told me they were perfect...
Re took in the working machine in the passport office, (needed correct coins), then resubmitted.
The UK Passport office web site, has full details, dont believe the Indian.

Less than 4 hours later, about 3, I was out of the door with two fast tracked passsports.

Very slick service. just plan for 1 working day in London town, (but avoid wedding days).

Can not remember the price, but all on Credit Card.


15th Apr 2011, 04:23
Thanks Gulfstream , that is what I will do .