View Full Version : QF- Corporate affairs appointment

14th Apr 2011, 03:18
After her fantastic ( :rolleyes: :ugh: ) efforts in dealing with the QF 32 and other issues in recent times, it appears that Olivia Wirth has been rewarded:

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Olivia Wirth to the position of Group Executive Government & Corporate Affairs.

With immediate effect, Olivia will report directly to me and join the Qantas Executive Committee.

Olivia joined Qantas in 2009 as Head of Corporate Communication. She has been instrumental in improving our internal communications, strengthening our public reputation, and since taking over her predecessor David Epstein's responsibilities in December 2010, developing constructive relationships with key Qantas Group stakeholders.

I look forward to working with Olivia as she formally takes on her new role.
Please join me in congratulating Olivia on her appointment.

Alan Joyce

So congratulations Olivia. I hope whoever the new spokesperson is for QF can look at your performances over the last 6-12 months and learn a lot about what is needed to be an effective spokesperson. They have an excellent example to work from if they want to improve QF communications.

14th Apr 2011, 03:30
they say shti floats

14th Apr 2011, 04:10
'Please join me in congratulating Olivia on her appointment'

How about... No.

14th Apr 2011, 04:33
Wonder how many eyes were stiletto-ed in that climb through the glass ceiling.
Note to junior players - learn by example. Be total ****e in your designated role and wait for Osmosis to draw you up to the light.
To congratulate you in your new role darlin', I'd need to have a modicum of respect for you in your previous one.:=

33 Disengage
14th Apr 2011, 04:36
Compared to AJ's public communications efforts I'm sure Livi's efforts look great. But starting off such a low base, steady eddie would be an improvement!

It just goes to show, if you're young, inexperienced, willing to work for low pay, and don't say "no", you can really go places in Qantas. Isn't that the type of pilot that BB is looking for?

14th Apr 2011, 05:53
Hopefully Wirthless' increased salary can see her affording a hairbrush and maybe a mirror. The dishevelled 'sex hair' look is not the look i'd be going after in the media spotlight, yet maybe this 'look' is an insight into her promotion?? ;)

The Green Goblin
14th Apr 2011, 06:07

A picture says a thousand words :D

14th Apr 2011, 08:22
..... instrumental in improving our internal communications, strengthening our public reputation,....

You have GOT to be kidding.

Internal communications hasn't changed one iota. And as for strengthening our public reputation?

I would say since 2009 our public reputation has taken a HAMMERING! It is in the toilet! Whether it is my hairdresser or my accountant, or indeed even a couple of high-up "Big end of city" blokes, they are all damning of our reputation! "I am not flying with Qantas because of all the problems you have been having". That is the consistent message I am hearing. And it is one of the primary reasons Mainline is losing market share.

That smacks of total failure by Qantas to get the right message out there or to simply get the media to back-off, to understand that an RTO or a go-round are not front page events.

That is what Wirth (and others) should have been addressing for the last two years. They have not succeeded. So they PROMOTE her?

They truly are on a different planet. It really is a worry!

Qantas 787
14th Apr 2011, 08:52
Strange timing ...........congratulate a promotion while 200 people get the sack. Not very well thought through.........

But yes, the Goblin got it in on. Seriously, communications have gone backwards big tme. I know Epstein wasn't everyones cup of tea but at least he didn't make all QF employees cringe when he was on TV.

Communications has to be the biggest laughing stock of the company and she gets a nice payrise to run it? They have no strategy to get the media on side and they have done nothing to improve the image of the company.

She didn't get the job because she knows what to say or looks presentable.........surely the fact she is shorter than Joyce got her over the line!

14th Apr 2011, 09:16
Reward failures - every journo with half a brain is shaking their head in disbelief.

The same woman that promises exclusives and then forgets who she has told about what - she's to journalism what a 200 hr jetstar cadet is to aviation safety.

Expect more uniformed BS and parrotted agendas - did I mention that time when she was a pollie minder and ..........!!!

A Smart CEO would appoint someone with operational experience

Can't wait for Worthless v Purvinas, AIPA & TWU -

14th Apr 2011, 09:23
Epstein wasn't everyones cup of tea but

He left.

instrumental in improving our internal communications, strengthening our public reputation

Led by losers existing in denial, endorsed by the Board. What hope is there?

14th Apr 2011, 10:49
Anyone have any idea what sort of salary she would be pulling for this gig.

stubby jumbo
14th Apr 2011, 11:15
....I'd reckon on $250K-$280K band width + Exec Car + P/C travel + 25-35 % bonus +++++?

Not bad.:hmm:

Talk about rewarding "talent".

'Least she's safe if she's stuck in a lift with AJ after a late night meeting on QCA/9:eek:

Ken Borough
14th Apr 2011, 11:51
I am gob-smacked! The lady is hiding her undoubted ability and talents extraordinarily well. The time to sell our shares has passed now that such talent is on Exco.

Keg - is your post 14 days late? :}

Dangly Bits
14th Apr 2011, 12:30
Best joke ever!

Grassmere Avenue
14th Apr 2011, 12:31
Anyone who saw OW basically argue with ABC2 news brekky the other month knows talent when they see it....obviously the leprecaun did and liked what he saw....
Now for that hair.......
Oh to be QF management ! All care taken, no responsibility accepted....:ugh:

14th Apr 2011, 12:51
Some of her best work is from 1:06 onwards. What poise :ok:


14th Apr 2011, 17:58
No! No! No! You don't understand. To get promoted within a narcissistic management structure, you don't have to perform for the media you have to perform for senior management.

This bird doesn't have to convince the media that she is Gods gift, all she has to do is convince senior management of that.

She will have managed "up" very well and most probably knifed any perceived competitors.

14th Apr 2011, 19:01
Im embarrased to associate myself with Qantas

14th Apr 2011, 19:10
I have to ask..what is she actually trying to say???

14th Apr 2011, 20:46
Sunny, great discussion on insight last night about narcissists in corporate world, its an epidemic

14th Apr 2011, 21:02
She fits in perfectly with AJ's grand plan for QF mainline.


Worrals in the wilds
14th Apr 2011, 23:10
Wow, gobsmacked. A more sulky, cliched, badly presented excuse for a spokesperson would be hard to think of. Going on telly and calling your customers stupid (the oxygen mask incident) is even more evidence of poppet's allstar PR effort.

I don't even work for Qantas but still field questions as above from family/friends about the airline's safety.

If I perform really badly at work, maybe I'll get promoted too! I'll have to try it :}. Seriously, Sunfish is probably right. I'm just amazed that a company that size can be so consistently badly run; it's like watching a whale bleed to death.

14th Apr 2011, 23:36
Management 101

Problem. You have an individual,business initiative, or department, that you have created or championed and it is underperforming or not fit for purpose.

Solution. For a department or business initiative, create press releases tying area of concern to something positive e.g. a wieldy Cabin Crew procedure that some numpty thought up that lends nothing to making the job more efficient and is roundly ridiculed by operational personnel can be tied to the positive outcome of the QF A380 incident. Headline is "New Procedure comes to the fore in A380 incident" most people reading it wouldn't understand but it gives the impression that this new procedure was vital in the positive outcome.
Same for a department "the New Waste of Space, Jobs and Junkets for mates department" was closely monitoring the A380 incident and liaised with other operational departments to resolve the incident. They actually do bugger all but ring up people and annoy them. However if there are any awards to pick up, functions to attend they will be there on 'behalf' of the people who actually did the work and will have their faces on the company magazine.
Solution for the individual is to promote them. This gives the impression that even though on the surface they look like they have made a complete stuff-up they must be doing something right behind the scenes otherwise they wouldn't have been promoted. Said individual can then be 'hid' before moving on from company 'to pursue other opportunities' or just sit quietly on the gravy train with the others.
Remember in Management 101, the absolute worse thing you can do is admit your mistakes. Your procedure/idea/concept is inefficient, not fit for purpose, overly expensive, then see above. The individual you put into a position is incompetent, inefficient, embarrassing, then see above. The bigger the stuff-up the more you have to make it look like a big plus.
If you roll back something you started , or fire/demote an individual you championed other people might start thinking you're not the smartest person in the room and the microscope might get turned on you.

14th Apr 2011, 23:47
She fits in perfectly with AJ's grand plan for QF mainline.


Unfortunately, this was my first thought too. :(

15th Apr 2011, 00:09
I think the best Worth-less grab was during QF32

News Host: words to effect of: For the last hour or so we have been seeing images of what are clearly parts of a Qantas plane which have been found on Batam Island

Cuts to Vision: - still of Indonesian man standing next to piece of cowling with clearly the red rat logo on it

Olivia: We have not seen any of that so I can't comment .......and it's irresponsible to suggest that............... - there is no evidence whatosever (pause) that those peices came off a Qantas aircraft..................

The 'Lie then deny' Dixon-like double speak at its best :=
As I said a smart CEO would have hired someone respected by the smarter Journalists and with a bit more operational experience than sipping P class champagne.

Can't wait for her first presser when the engineers start batting

Ken Borough
15th Apr 2011, 00:19
Can't wait for her first presser when the engineers start batting

You might be waiting for a long time. Now that she sits atop the PR machine, is it not more probable that she will send out someone lower down the food chain to face the media? I don't know if it's life threatening to get between this lady and a TV camera but only time will tell. :mad:

Spanner Turner
15th Apr 2011, 00:28
Can't wait for her first presser when the engineers start batting

It'll go something like this,

"Engineers are asking for a 63% payrise"
"Engineers are not willing to negotiate"
"Engineers are holding the company and customers to ransom"
"Death to all Unions/Associations"
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"


15th Apr 2011, 06:30
I guess she must have some really interesting photos of Alan hidden away somewhere! Why else would he continue to employ her, let alone promote her!:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

15th Apr 2011, 07:26
So much knowledge.How did they find her

15th Apr 2011, 09:01
Perhaps she has tavelled business class with BB before, hence the promotion ?

Arnold E
15th Apr 2011, 09:52
The winners can laugh, and the losers can please themselves.:cool:

stubby jumbo
15th Apr 2011, 12:32
......as usual Cacti-you are well ahead of the game !!!

I think the "infamous" flight you are referring to was the QF11, Seat 2K -in 2007. ;)

15th Apr 2011, 13:50
OK Stubby who was in 2J?

This is all just a ploy to distract everyone while they keep building Crapstar, screwing staff, doing over ginger beers and ignoring senate...diversion alert.

They must have know it was an issue so maybe they are the smartest guys in the room after all.

15th Apr 2011, 21:47
Qantas just lurches from one mess to another.
What an embarrassment
Other airline management must shake their heads in disbelief while welcoming disenchanted ex QF pax.
The latest price gouge relates to charging for seat selection in Y/C.
This is not the behaviour of a full service carrier surely?

standard unit
15th Apr 2011, 22:18
This is not the behaviour of a full service carrier surely?

No but the rest of the worlds full service airlines don't have senior management executives who are actively trying to destroy the very airline that employs them.

I recon Qantas does.

15th Apr 2011, 22:21
Time for.. The Qantas PR Department Song..

Tune: Don't Cry For Me Argentina...

Don't fly with me Bruce and Sheila.
The truth is I've always screwed you
All through my wild days
my mad existence
I made no promise
Just keep your distance

It won't be easy
You'll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your money
After all that I've done
You won't believe me
All you will see
Is a Qantas you once knew
Although she's dressd up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you

I had to let it happen
I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window
Staying out of the sun
So I chose freedom
Running around trying everything new
An Asian Adventure or Two

Don't cry......

And as for fortune and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world
They were all I desired
They are illusions
They're not the solutions
They promise to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love Jetstar to.

Have I said to much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you
But all you have to do
Is look at me to know
That every word is true

copyright Sunfish, with apologies to Andrew Lloyd Webber.

16th Apr 2011, 00:26
Just pass it on to the guys who make "Little Britain". I am sure they could do it to music for you!:E

16th Apr 2011, 11:03
Epstein was 100x better than her. A total waste of space :rolleyes::ugh:

17th Apr 2011, 08:31
While mildly amusing, I have to confess that I don't think the sexist comments regarding her appointment are justified. :=

The simple fact is that she's just another idiot (male or female) who has floated to the top ranks of QF management, among numerous others. :rolleyes:

17th Apr 2011, 09:04
Guys - I'd be very careful with all this public slander...you're putting yourself at risk for a nice case of libel...

17th Apr 2011, 09:44

Slander or libel? There's a difference. :ok:

In its 1996 report on defamation law, the A.C.T. Community Law Reform Committee outlined defamation as follows:

"Defamation is the publication of words or images to a person that damages the reputation of another ['slander' if spoken words, 'libel' if written words or images].

There are however, defences that may be successfully pleaded in relation to a defamation action. Those defences vary throughout Australian jurisdictions, but can can include:

• truth/justification
• fair comment (e.g. an expression of an honestly held opinion or a criticism on a subject matter of public interest) .

Based on the person's past performance, I have an HONEST opinion that that person in question is NOT capable of doing the job.

I'm in NSW. Where's that leave me? :}

17th Apr 2011, 20:03
I have a sneaking feeling that David Epstein left after realising that the chasm between the image Qantas wanted him to portray and the reality of what Qantas was going to become was unbridgeable.

It is going to become increasingly difficult to portray Qantas as an asset to Australia and a national icon while off-shoring pilots, maintenance and cabin crew.

I can see the headline now after a QF overrun, fire and evacuation at an Australian airport; "Flight Attendants Couldn't Speak English - Passengers Claim".

17th Apr 2011, 21:27
As a Qantas CSM of some 27 years tenure I can no longer work for a company whose product is a lie.Qantas CC are not provided with the resources to deliver the excellent service we would like to offer.
The KPIs I am required to meet are unobtainable.I can no longer motivate myself to apologize to passengers for problems that are not of my making.
The place is shambles.....poor quality food(and not enough of it)Cabin interiors that are falling apart;an IFE system that still fails;not enough CC to provide an acceptable level of service.....we try hard,very hard....but we are set up to fail.
I am now embarrassed to say that I am a Qantas employee.Pilots have skills that I dont.They have a love of flying and aircraft.There is more at stake for pilots than there is for me.I love the job but no longer the company.
Come july one I am gone.I can no longer work for inept,nasty fools.
Sunfish has nailed it once again.
For all the pilots whose company I have enjoyed(and those I haven't) over the years I can only say.....keep the rage.....fight the good fight and show Australians what Qantas management is doing to the Airline and the Australian workforce
Expose the lie

17th Apr 2011, 21:41
T-Vasis and SIUYA

I draw your attention to this High Court of Australia Decision

Dow Jones & Company Inc. v Gutnick [2002] HCA 56 (10 December 2002)


18th Apr 2011, 04:06
Thanks mmciau.

I also draw your attention to 174(d) with respect to the respondent's (Mr Gutnick's) claim for punitive damages in reliance upon:

The [appellant - Dow Jones & Company] published the words without any honest belief in the truth of the imputations alleged, ... alternatively, recklessly, not caring whether the imputations were true or false.

My bolding.

Irrespective of the High Court decision, I still have an HONEST opinion [belief] that that person in question is NOT capable of doing the job.

21st Apr 2011, 09:21
Is she related to Darth ? Similar disposition, demeanor, scoul and cold hearted stare, you know, the dominatrix look.
Then again, something very sexy about that....

Worrals in the wilds
21st Apr 2011, 09:35
The KPIs I am required to meet are unobtainable.

I head the exact same statement from someone who (for the moment :sad:) works for the Colorado Group. They also said that the whole thing was run by recently graduated beancounters who had NFI about apparel retail and continually blamed the staff for poor sales...the same staff whose suggestions were continually ignored.

Sound familiar?

Of course the Colorado Group has recently come to a very sticky end and there are no takers for the flagship Colorado stores that were once successful and well regarded.

Cactusjack, there are clubs for that sort of thing. You probably already knew that. :}

21st Apr 2011, 09:46
Cactusjack, there are clubs for that sort of thing. You probably already knew that. :}
Correct. The Hellfire Club ! (dont take the family though) :E

Worrals in the wilds
21st Apr 2011, 11:37
Down in the Valley opposite St Patricks, IIRC. Always used to be a big queue of patrons in overcoats (even in a Brisbane summer).
The coats covered up the costumes :eek:. Don't run into the family may have been more of a key issue :}
(Sorry, back to your regularly scheduled QANTAS thread)...