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View Full Version : UAE Control into DXB 10th Apr

Private Pike
11th Apr 2011, 20:33
It was mayhem arriving into Dubai last night and when we were being sent from DESDI to RAV to hold it was looking decidedly worse, especially since a lot of weather was sitting over RAV.

To the North American and British controller on 132.15 and 119.3 at around midnight, a big thank you for rescuing a deteriorating situation. You were both very professional and were a credit to your profession. We all know you are hampered by some ridiculous rules and procedures. Perhaps last night might prompt a review of the lack of holds when approaching Dubai.

12th Apr 2011, 07:11
ATC did a sterling job. Very strong winds and WS on all runways. Aircraft at T2 were damaged and debris all over the place. A GCC control is long overdue but under the circumstances controllers did well. Airports closed because of WX and no parking.

12th Apr 2011, 10:24
I heard that as the radar at RAK was down the airport was closed recently.

Previously always no problem when procedural.

I was on ground in RAK, last night, and night before, not too bad WX most of the time.


12th Apr 2011, 11:54
Nil Defects... No one will run out of fuel! You are hopefully flying with captains who will divert looong before fuel is critical. Committing is not intended to be used at an airport with 40 other fuel starved aircraft, because Landing Assured is very difficult to determine.
Be safe


critical winge
12th Apr 2011, 13:18
May I just record here and now... UAE controllers are under pressure with serious concerns as are the pilots about UAE airspce. Both Pilots and ATC controllers have expressed their concerns both here and to the company management and authorities about these poor working practices, also the lack of development of a safer airspace with better flow control.

Should anything happen in the future to an aircraft that was backed into a corner and an accident happens, then use this quote "Pilots and ATC controllers have expressed their concerns and worries many times and nothing gets done about it". It is time for not only a review but action, should no action be forth coming then I back up and bereaved families should a situation devlop into something more catastrophic. With another 150 additional aircraft planned by EK alone in the next 8 years, its not a matter of if but when someone has a major accident.

12th Apr 2011, 15:35
How much fuel do you arrive at your destination with if you carry minimum fuel and bang on the how-goes-it for example? How long does that give you to hold before you need to start the think about plan B? How much fuel do you have remaining for Plan B (in minutes)?

In my 737 I can expect to arrive at destination with 2500kgs to 3000kgs if I am roughly burn what the plog says. This gives me 20 mins breathing space then 1200kgs to final reserve.

The reason I ask is because when I leave Tenerife I can expect the weather to be pretty much bang on what the TAF states but I only have 4.5 hours flying time, you chaps potentially have travelled vast distances some 12 - 17 hours. What kind of contigency plans do you have in place at the pre-flight planning stage?

The Jolly Roger
12th Apr 2011, 16:03
Thanks boys and girls. I wasnt on that night but from what I hear it was nothing but carnage. Happens not too often thankfully. Nice to see there's support for the workers at the cold front. To the pilots, all I'll say is that when you hear that we're balls to the wall on frequency, be patient and co-operative as were really trying damn hard to recover...because it aint pro-active controlling no more but reactive! :ok:

12th Apr 2011, 16:16
If you are an Emirates pilot, then Allah help us all.:}

12th Apr 2011, 16:42
Worked for a bucket & spade cowboy outfit, years ago, where we regularly departed with less than minfuel(not on paper ofcourse) and seemed to arrive at destination with more fuel than we left with. I could not cope with the Ex RAF cowboys in charge of that dreadful little outfit, who thought that the war was still on, and left. Joined Mid East carriers where the fule policy was the exact opposite. Carry as much as you like. Indeed I was at pains to point out to my Fleet Offices that we could carry a lot less ! I suggest, simply, that most ME Carriers are very flexible with fuel choices & the basic planning stage leaves one in no doubt that sufficient is always carried.

13th Apr 2011, 06:03
I too was stressed out on Sunday night. The bad weather knocked out my satellite feed just as Schwartzel drained that birdie putt on 16. The horror! The horror!

That being said, maybe things will move forward under new management.

Voodoo 3
13th Apr 2011, 06:46
I was operating into DXB last night and again must praise the efforts of the UAE controllers. The weather was dreadful over Labta meaning that we continued to Desdi before we could even begin descent. Then Desdi had to be 'closed' due weather so proceed to Gonlo to hold which a few minutes later had to be 'closed' to the weather. Aircraft asking for headings all over the shop, going left, right, up, down - God know what your radar feed looked like!?

I later understood that DXB stopped all departures for an hour. Was that to enable aircraft to hold over somewhere like Ranbi which was clear of weather (at the time) but on the departures track?

As has been mentioned above, this sector often comes in for bashing normally due to the chronic way the airspace is built so on this occasion I think its good to praise where praise is due.

Great job guys, :D


13th Apr 2011, 07:28
Thanks for the gratitude. It's been a crazy few days. Most guys staying flexible which makes the job marginally easier.
A strange euphoria at the end of every shift.

Plank Cap
25th Apr 2011, 10:55
All of this dismal weather and a sterling job done by all at the coalface.

Got home late at night after a somewhat trying return from GRU, only to find an email from our Lords and Masters in Dubai, suggesting that I might be carrying too much fuel these days, and that my next month's fuel uplift is expected to be significantly better (I think they meant lower) ............. couldn't stop laughing for quite a while. Nearest neighbour and other friends apparently all received the same email. It's obviously that time of year again.

25th Apr 2011, 13:08
I bet, for many, the amount of extra fuel carried shortly will be inversely proportional to the size of the bonus/pay rise that may or may not come.......

Panama Jack
25th Apr 2011, 15:15
A GCC control is long overdue but. . .

I agree with you, jackbauer, but from the sounds of it political issues get in the way and everybody is looking at milking revenue from those cash cows in the sky. I am not sure, but I believe the present UAE FIR used to be a part of one big Bahrain FIR in the distant past.

Latest rumor is that Bahrain FIR may get divided up further. Look forward to also calling "Doha Control" or "Qatar Center" at the high levels in the future. I doubt we will be seeing a EuroControl-like arrangement here in the Gulf during my career.

26th Apr 2011, 05:36
You are so close to the truth Jack, it isn't funny. Or maybe you know that ;-)

Guy D'ageradar
28th Apr 2011, 11:41
pleased to report the 170 to 5 speed control was used, way way easier to do in a 777W up near max landing weight...and be efficient..and be stable as per EK company requirements.

S'funny, 'cos just about every time I've tried, the response has been....unable! :hmm:

Guy D'ageradar
30th Apr 2011, 08:00
Ah Mr Falcon.....must have been you flying yesterday then, 'cos it was fine! :ok: