View Full Version : US Training

8th Apr 2011, 15:41
I'm currently midway through my PPL in Australia and considering heading over to the us to do my CPL and instructor rating. I'm looking around Florida to complete it due to the amount of schools and the good weather. I know there would be people out there who have done this and i'm looking for suggestions on this, is it worth going there to do it or stick to aus?

Changing your license back to Casa? I've read up on the process and doesn't seem hard but is there catches?

And if there is people who have done it what school did you fly at and recommend?

Sorry if this thread is a repeat but could not find the info i was after.

8th Apr 2011, 20:20
I have signed up to the idea of doing my CPL and FI at EASA in Florida over the next few months, I have visited all of the schools in Florida who offer the CPL and the FI and whilst I by no means think they are perfect, as I don't think the perfect school exists, I have witnessed a few friends going through both courses there and have spent time studying there and feel its a reasonable study environment, a nice flying area, correctly priced and I made time to sit down and meet the instructors and liked what I heard.
If you want any further details PM me.

Jerry Lee
9th Apr 2011, 19:01
There's Skymates in Texas. I'm really interested in it, I'll probably go there.
Give a look at them, they're price are quite good!

26th Apr 2011, 15:30
Thanks for your info, sorry for the late reply, I;m currently narrowing it down to EASA, ATP, Cirrus aviation and florida air academy, I'm not real worried about getting bargain flight training more about quality and the time has anyone been through these schools or have any information on them? or any places, its a bit hard just surfing the net without going to the schools, but i dont think ill have the option to visit before i start my course, Thanks in advance