View Full Version : Training in Orlando Florida in May

1st Apr 2011, 16:34

I was looking to do my IR training in May in Orlando FL. Question for those on this forum: How wise an idea is it given the nature of T-storms / hurricane activity in the area?

Specifically, I am attending an accelerated 2 week course. I expect this to run over to 4 weeks, and can allot 5-6 weeks tops to complete the IR. My uninformed guess is that I should have simulator and ground school time to keep myself busy, but I am still unsure of what others have experienced.

Would appreciate if pilots with experience training in Florida around May / June would chip in.

Also - the flight school is sunstate. thoughts on them also welcome, but I have heard good things about them on this forum.

1st Apr 2011, 17:02
Mornings misty, post 1200 can be thundery, generally humid. Have you really exhausted the UK? You won't have to do the conversion. US Cost benefit is nil, probably negative.

Bonus in Cranfield are good...

1st Apr 2011, 17:18
I am actually going to be in the Florida at that time, so looking for the best option there. Thanks, though.

Was the weather v. disruptive to training?

1st Apr 2011, 19:26
Non disruptive, but a bit sticky in the cockpit at sea level. Get some good cotton lightweights!

1st Apr 2011, 21:16
I've trained there around the same time of year. I agree with the sentiments above, the mornings will be very good although visibility might not always be great. That won't matter in an IR provided you are above minimums. Lots of turbulent air in the afternoon and thunderstorms pretty much daily, unpredictable in where they will develop. Very hot and sticky in aircraft so not the most comfortable flying conditions. Even the darkest depths of these hard winters we've been having are more hospitable. After all, you can throw another log on the janitrol but most 40 year old training aircraft won't have any form of Air Conditioning to speak of!

I don't think you'll have to worry about Hurricanes as they are generally later in the year, but you could be unlucky.

2nd Apr 2011, 15:14
Its may be some thunderstorms now and then. Hard to say. But Im sure you will be able to complete your training. You gonna fly IFR, so it makes its much more easier.
It also will depend on the school. Some schools have programs, that they would follow no matter what.
Lets say your next flight should be to SRQ (Sarasota). But there is thunderstorms.
Some schools, will allowed you to fly to let say MLB (Melbourne) or ORL (Orlando) instead. But some schools gonna tell you, that you have to wait for better wether at SRQ, because that their program.
So, find a good school and you will be fine;)