View Full Version : Jobs at Atlantic Airlines

30th Mar 2011, 13:43
Hi there,

I've just got my CPL and am new on this forum. I've heard that some pilots are leaving Atlantic Airlines. Are there any jobs available now? I'm really interested and with my CPL I'm sure I've got the required skills.

30th Mar 2011, 15:24
do you need someone to wipe your ar$e for you too ?

30th Mar 2011, 15:39
Very uncalled stuckgear !!!!

30th Mar 2011, 16:26
Thanks for making me feel welcome Stuckgear. I've just asked a question, is there anything wrong with that. All I want is my first job!

30th Mar 2011, 16:46
I spoke to them 3-4 months ago, when I new of some pilots where moving to another english airline.
They said to me that they where only taking the guys who trained through there scheme.

Christian A
30th Mar 2011, 20:09
Well I applied last March and got a letter back in May ish time saying "well done you have made it to the next round of selection, we will contact you when this time arises"...still havn't seen anything!

30th Mar 2011, 21:34
Thanks for the info, I better give them a call. And Christian, I'm sure you'll hear something from them as they look like a decent company

30th Mar 2011, 23:59
just out of interest, do you have an IR?

AA did do some recuitment last month, im not sure if thats still on going. but just to warn you they do tend to take people with a few hundred instructor hours more than anyone else.

best of luck with the hunt

31st Mar 2011, 02:49
which atlantic airlines is this?if i google it a few pop up, would you have a link???

31st Mar 2011, 14:43
It's atlanticairlines.co.uk

I've got my IR and would love to fly one of their Saab 2000's or even better that turboprop powered DC-6!

31st Mar 2011, 17:38
This is a wind up surely? Since when did Atlantic ever operate saab 2000's...? Oh and when was the DC6 ever classed as a turboprop??

31st Mar 2011, 19:00

Apologies of that came across as harsh, but the thing is Atlantic have a website, they have a phone number and email address. rather than asking on an internet forum if they are looking for pilots is not going to secure you, what is right now, a very hard to come by right seat job.

And if the response was yes they are looking, you can bet your class 1, that by the end of the day of it being posted, they are going to be inundated.

Like i said, sorry if it came across as harsh, and welcome by the way. :ok: