View Full Version : Chinese airlines order BILLIONS worth of Big Jets.....

8th Mar 2011, 07:40
.... But where will they find the pilots??? Seriously....

From what I read on this forum, they have to pay almost 200K/yr which I wonder if that's financially sustainable for them, they don't follow the contract, they allow smoking in the cockpit (just what you want for a 12 hour ditty across the Pacific), and all kinds of other run-arounds from what I read here.

Each thread I think I've ever read here about flying Mainland China turns me off to it although the money certainly is enticing. Although the contracts seem to almost be a thing of the past in the expat world as I've read from some middle east airlines....

So... where does everyone think they'll get enough pilots from to fill all those planes, not only when we see Emirates hiring full scale, Korean ALWAYS hiring every seat they have (which scares me... why is that when they hardly have any new planes coming in yet are always hiring. Somethings not right about that picture), Turkish hiring full bore ahead and India starting to recruit again.

Is is a "lesser of the evils" here?


de facto
8th Mar 2011, 09:52
The more they struggle to recruit,the more raises I get.:E

8th Mar 2011, 11:17
Yes, don't come! :D I got another decent pay rise. Go CHINA! :p