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View Full Version : Anyone done the EK in the last couple of weeks?

6th Mar 2011, 12:53
Curious to know if anyone has done the EK interview within the last 4 weeks?

Please don't turn this into a bashing post. Just wanting some recent feedback


6th Mar 2011, 13:46
They certainly have many seats to fill. I'm sure the requirements will slide again soon. Perhaps Etihad would be a good fit; many malay brothers over there I hear...

7th Mar 2011, 13:34
Mate, as i said before... while they disqualify guys with thousands of hrs on Jets under 30T then they are far from desperate... :)

Clearly they are getting the numbers...:ok:

8th Mar 2011, 23:25
BananaAir, as someone doing my homework on the pros and cons of joining EK, could you let us know the background on the at least 7 years? I have a good idea that nett growth will slow up quite dramatically but the figures floated for upgrade at the roadshow I attended was approximately 5 years.

Many thanks

9th Mar 2011, 02:00
The math is impossible of an upgrade in 5 years for new hires today. Having said this, they are hiring some very young people at the age of 25-28, so what do they care if the upgrade takes 10 years. Still a wide body command in your 30's...very good.

9th Mar 2011, 02:16
Remember that the fleet plan is for 250 by 2020, 200 orders and 100 retirements, around 4000 pilots total. Do the math !

9th Mar 2011, 12:49
Why let simple math and common sense get in the way of a highly polished road show .......... I really do not understand how EK can get a company pilot with any sense of ethics to go on these "cock-tease" seminars .......

Best advice to those who attend ...... buyer beware. You bought it; you own it.

9th Mar 2011, 13:56
hmm.... :
I did my interview just over 3 weeks ago and thankfully passed. What feed back would you like? I can rattle on here about every minor detail but I'm sure you know a lot already so any area in particular you're looking for? :ok:

With regards to the other comments - caution with any move is wise - but EK on PPRUNE can draw out the moaners, like many other companies.:ugh:

White Knight
10th Mar 2011, 18:11
That or the fact that you are an out of work pilot who owns a dog called Shaggy, you live under a bridge off the N55, you bathe in a local lake, you haven't eaten in 4 days and you would be willing to work for a beating in order to take the pain of life away!

Aye. Luxury lad, luxury... When I were a lad the dog used to own us, shagged me, t' bridge hadn't been built, nor had N55 so we slept in t' lake, never ate at all and asked for beatings before, during and after work, for which we paid tuppence...

Kids today:{:{

11th Mar 2011, 07:03
...and you were lucky, White Knight! :ok:

White Knight
11th Mar 2011, 19:51
Ah BananaAir - my fave Python sketch:cool::cool: After the Gumbies that is:p