View Full Version : Flight Dispatcher's Course.

3rd Mar 2011, 07:38
Greetings to all!

I have searched the forums but can't seem to find any relevant information on how flight dispatchers' licence works. I'm currently in Spain and want to get a flight dispatcher's licence but by what it seems each airline tailors its own flight dispatchers to suit their procedures; there is no generic course. I need to get such a course done as soon as possible and would appreciate information on how the structure is, if it can be done online and how long it takes.

Thanks in advance for the response and apologies if it has been discussed before!

4th Mar 2011, 20:43
You after the FAA disatchers licence or a UK dispatchers training (ramp agent)

6th Mar 2011, 07:11
I'm actually after a UAE dispatcher licence, if that even exists. Do they offer online courses for these?

7th Mar 2011, 00:08
You've either not done any research or looked in the wrong places.

There are several threads on here with info.

All the courses commercially available are generic.

Why would you want a UAE dispatcher licence (which does exist) when you are in spain?

There is no online course for UAE disaptcher licence. It is carried out by jeppesen in their training facility in DXB. If they were any good they might have responded to your post.


10th Mar 2011, 11:06
JeppAcademy Schedule - Jeppesen (http://www.jeppesen.com/aviation/commercial/jeppacademy-schedule.jsp)

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Emirates Aviation College

+971 4 282 4000
