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1st Mar 2011, 16:01
Ive got an interview with the company on the 2nd March at lgw, i was wondering if anyone else had too?
Does anyone know anything about the company??
They seem to have alot in common with Viking Airlines which recently went bankrupt!!!!

Any information please:)

1st Mar 2011, 16:42
It IS Viking Airlines but under a different name and colours!!! Just look at the logo on the tail.....it's ex Viking but the swirls are now in Black Beige and RED!! Really think hard if it's worth it........:ugh:

1st Mar 2011, 16:49
Look at the thread on Airlines,Airport & Routes.

1st Mar 2011, 17:12
Think about those flight and cabin crew who have been left owing not an inconsiderable amount of money before you consider a position.

1st Mar 2011, 17:29
i have an interview with swiss on 2nd of this month...can anyone help me with any info about it ...how do they recruit and kinda questions they ask or any written test do they take ???? i have heard that they are very particular about swimming ??????
please help!

1st Mar 2011, 20:24
Im really in two minds weather to go to the interview just to see what they've got to say and if PW has anything to do with it i wouldnt want to get involved. As i previously worked for Viking and am owed money!!!
I wouldnt want to go through that again!!

8th Mar 2011, 09:43
Hi just wondering if you went to the interview and was confirmed that PW is linked to this 'new company', if not if you look at www.ttglive.com (http://www.ttglive.com) you'll find the relevant information there confirming this.....how does he get away with it? :uhoh::ugh:

15th Mar 2011, 03:36
to all crew and pilots that are even considering working under anything Wyatt / / Viking related - DON'T BOTHER.

You will get stitched up. Not worth it.