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View Full Version : kalitta--seeking info

25th Feb 2011, 11:39
I was wondering if anyone from Kalita would mind dropping me a pm. I'd like to speak with you about a few things. Was trying to get hired on a cuple years ago before it all took a dive. if you work there and wouldn't mind could you please contact me?


25th Feb 2011, 16:19
If you are successful at getting hired there, hope for an airplane that doesn't crash...or the engines stay attached, and don't just drop off into Lake Michigan.:rolleyes:

26th Feb 2011, 03:42
709 has been retired and is in the process of being created into HP heads. Connie does not let his aircraft become common beer or bier cans.

28th Feb 2011, 02:00
You are talking about a man, a company that was genious in selling to kitty hawk, just before the cargo business went down hard. Watched the new kittyhawk intnl. tank then connie purchased back equiptment at bargain basement prices in a low market. Starts up again for far less than he sold for..........

What about the people in this transaction (colateral damage). Sure if you are hard up enough for experience go for it, he has made a hard run on gov't contracts where the big acmi contracts have been.

Suppose this is the ACMI business but companies like World Airways have stuck through aviation since 1948! Sure they have had to lay off many times but not as hardcore is this company.

1st Mar 2011, 10:50
"World Airways have stuck through aviation since 1948!"

...Well, that's because World was a CIA proprietorship with unlimited tax dollars support. That's why the late, pistol packing, CEO Ed Daly was able to fly his B727-173s inside Vietnam during the raging war. Do you know of any insurance company that would insure airframes & crew & passengers when flying in an active war zone? :ooh:

1st Mar 2011, 16:08
...Well, that's because World was a CIA proprietorship with unlimited tax dollars support. That's why the late, pistol packing, CEO Ed Daly was able to fly his B727-173s inside Vietnam during the raging war. Do you know of any insurance company that would insure airframes & crew & passengers when flying in an active war zone?

Horse****, don't know why, may call it a publicity stunt but when have you ever known the US government to pay for humanitarian aid, the non-payload was children for christ sakes. WORLD is and has been a CRAF partner for years, as a result of that they have kept busy enough to stay aloft.

Example, early 2000/early2001, they were in bad shape. Had to pull an esop for 10% of many employee's pay, then here comes the windfall, George bush and his Crusaid against the axis of evil. World is still riding that moneytrain, by the time the war is over the econemy should be doing very well for them to charter cruiseship pax instead.

They are just the most sucessfull example, atlas/polar made it through the storm as well and they were holding 30 something 747's in a dead cargo market, just saying Connie is a POS when viewed as an employer, shrewd business man though.

1st Mar 2011, 17:52
I'm sorry if I mislead others into thinking I was looking for sarcastic or derogatory comments. I was actually looking for info regarding hiring, future classes, who to contact, etc.

1st Mar 2011, 18:04
Toilet, you did not mislead anyone, your thread just got hijacked, it is common. A bit of unsolicited advice kid, if you wish to work for Connie I suggest you grow some thicker skin.

1st Mar 2011, 20:33
MUCH thicker skin...!:}

2nd Mar 2011, 01:31
Duck, your skin is just fine. This is coming from a current employee, not former. A lot has change in the last five to seven years. It is no longer your "Dads airlines".

2nd Mar 2011, 15:31
I didn't take anything personal I just realized I wasn't very specific in my original post so of course there was room to roam when it came to responses. I thought it was a tad hypocritical of some :ok:

2nd Mar 2011, 15:37
Anyway I put my stuff in so here's to hoping :)

7th Mar 2011, 02:03
Good luck! Things are looking really good now, more airplanes on the property for both fleets (classic & 400). The classic SIM just got upgraded to level D standards and the 400 SIM should be up and running by June. Steady hiring through the fall!

7th Mar 2011, 04:36
A good friend of mine, has just finished his second major rotation with them, and is very happy.

I have no idea of T and C, but I am certain data is available.


8th Mar 2011, 17:29
T+C are pretty widely available, since the contract is public. Hiring mins are currently 5000 TT and 2500 turbine. At the moment, there is a line out the door.

four engine jock
10th Mar 2011, 04:39
Anyone know if they hiring Flight Engineers.

10th Mar 2011, 07:35
We are hiring FEs.

four engine jock
11th Mar 2011, 09:36
Who do I contact? Email fax name?

13th Mar 2011, 15:24
I've met a few guys who got hired by Kalitta Air, the 747s part of Kalitta, simply by attending one of the job fairs where Connie participated. When they go to those things, they go to hire.

It always helps if someone on the inside pulls for you, as is true with any company, provided they are highly regarded.

If you do go to work for them you'll see the world, fly the whale, work with some interesting folks, and learn a lot.

The time you spend there will set you up for more opportunities or, if you stay, give you a pretty good job with one of the more stable operators in the genre over the past 10 years.

Connie? Stable? Did I say that?

It's the truth, though.

17th Mar 2011, 01:03
I was emailed to validate my times a couple weeks ago. I never heard back.

26th Mar 2011, 15:00
Hey Toilet,
PM me and will give you name and phone # to call.
Good luck,

30th Mar 2011, 23:14
Well I've done what I can. Guess it's time to see what else is out there.

four engine jock
31st Mar 2011, 07:41
Sent my CV in and recieved and nice email back saying that my CV is on File.
I would love to work for them. Lets see what happens!!!

3rd Apr 2011, 01:54
I had sent my resume in with no luck so I figured I'd grow a pair and just email a few people directly. They wrote back confirming that I met certain requirements. I confirmed I did and they wrote back again saying "Thanks" but that's all I've heard of them.

I think my biggest issue is no ATP. I've considered getting it but hate the thought of paying to train.

3rd Apr 2011, 04:48
You're likely to get round-filed without an ATP, if you're applying for a pilot position. Not necessary if you're looking for an FE position.

Getting your ATP is a basic qualification. While Kalitta could certainly get your ATP for you during your type ride, there are plenty of applicants out there who already have the ATP. If you're not competitively qualified, then there's little surprise you haven't been called for an interview.

Did you pay for your private pilot certificate? For your commercial? Why not for your ATP? It's not like you're paying someone for a job. This is a basic pilot certification. It's all good and well for an employer who really wants you to provide the ATP for you while doing a sim check, but don't expect it, and you won't get that chance if you're not competitive for the job.

Think of it this way: if most other applicants come to the table with an ATP and you don't, what other qualifications do you have which will help you compete against them for the job?

8th Apr 2011, 18:30
Tired of paying to fly. I'd rather wait for my regional to pay for it. Not worth spending a couple $k when I might be upgrading here rather soon.

9th Apr 2011, 04:36
Keep at it man. I knew a few guys with 6-700 hrs private multi on their dime, ended up with Atlas as flight mech's within a year or two F/E then straight to rt seat with ATP minimums. Another observation was WOA, hired plenty like yourself, put them in a sim and 50% F/O lower 50% flew sideways. Guess what I am getting to is mabe a F/E job may pay the bills and get you a shoe in the door if the opportunity presents its self. I know the market was different a decade ago but as for all of us saccrifice usually pay's off.

Best wishes.