View Full Version : A question on using quotation in Pprune

Tee Emm
15th Feb 2011, 10:38
After highlighting any required paragraph in a Pprune post, it will eventually appear enclosed in a blue border under which one makes suitable comments on the highlighted subject. That is with my desk top PC. But when I go the same route with my lap top the actual words [Quote] appear on the finished work instead of the full blue coloured highlighted quote. That is after I press the submit button.

I am not sure why my lap top does this while my PC works normally using the blue highlighted quote. Appreciate advice please?

15th Feb 2011, 11:07
Subtly different keyboard, perhaps? (US vs UK or summat?)

green granite
15th Feb 2011, 11:36
If for any reason it misses the '/' infront of the end 'quote' it doesn't display in a box, so perhaps it's that?

15th Feb 2011, 16:10
Tee emm

To quote something, you need opening and closing [quote]... i.e.

!quote! TEXT GOES HERE !/quote!

(replace ! with [ and ] as appropriate).

Alternativley, just highlight the text you want to quote and hit the quote button, it looks like this :


15th Feb 2011, 18:30
Tee Emm - as an interim, use preview post before submitting?

Tee Emm
17th Feb 2011, 04:08
Thank you all for your advice. I managed to get the quotation blue highlighting working again.