View Full Version : Which ones better ?

15th Feb 2011, 08:36

I've been reading some of these forums on and off for a wee while now and I thank you all for the information they provide. My name's Andrew and im looking to start out on my journey to gaining my commercial licence.

I think I generally know the ins and outs so that's not an issue, the problem I face now is choosing where (in Scotland) to base my training, it will be modular and I will be paying as I go.

Living just outside Glasgow; Prestwick may be the obvious choice, although I see that Tayside Aviation in Dundee have a partnership with Logan Air and advertise themselves as the best for quality.

I don't like the idea of splitting my training between two schools, or maybe im just overthinking this ! Just a little bit of advice if you know the area or schools involved. And maybe if you could give some advice about splitting training between schools.

15th Feb 2011, 08:55
Know nothing about the said schools but my advice would be to keep yor training to one establishment, at least from the CPL anyway.

15th Feb 2011, 09:38
1. Don’t split commercial training between schools. Pick a good provider, stick with them, and get consistent training - I believe some airlines specifically look for training from only one provider .

2. Think about accommodation/travel (both the cost and time). Tayflite at Perth have good onsite accommodation (right on the airport). Remember that some weeks you’ll get bad weather, you don’t want a 2 hour drive, spend 5 hours looking at the rain, then drive 2 hours home.

3. I’m presuming you’ve got a PPL? - if you have not started the PPL then stop thinking about commercial training and just pick a local school to do your PPL and enjoy it. (After all, you might not enjoy it - so no point thinking about a uniform just yet).

4. If you have a PPL and haven’t yet started ATPL ground school - stop thinking about shiny Senecas and focus on your ATPLs (I believe some airlines prefer modular with 90% or above grades). And the answer to your next question on that subject is - Bristol Ground School.

Good luck.

15th Feb 2011, 11:10
You may also wish to consider ACS Flight Training at Perth who are now offering a structured ATPL course in conjunction with Perth College. The college is now an authorised ATPL groundschool provider. 3 or 4 guys are already well through the course. See ACS website for details.

15th Feb 2011, 11:19
Having spent a bit of time on the gliders, I know what you mean about the rain - disheartening doesn't quite cover it ! I had applied RAF this year, less said about the forces situation the better.

Safe to say though, this is what I want to spend my years doing ! I think ill take your advice and start my PPL next month at Prestwick and while im underway with that, start the look into Tayflite / Tayside for my commercial.

I know this was a basic question though I just had to clear up any doubts in my head. I'm sure ill be using this forum on a regular basis with questions once I start !

Thanks for your reply, and ill use that luck wisely !