View Full Version : Menzies Interview

12th Feb 2011, 20:26
Hi everyone, I have an interview at Menzies aviation Manchester for Dispatching and was wondering if there's anyone out there witha few hints for the interview, what to expect etc, anyone work for the company? any info much appreciated:ok:

13th Feb 2011, 03:28
Who is in charge of Menzies Manchester now?
Is Mark or Stacey?

Charlie Fish
13th Feb 2011, 08:44
They're VERY big on safety, so make sure you over emphasise that. Take a look at their website and as there are lots of info on their core principles. You won't go wrong if you mention them. And, give examples if you can of any experience you've had that touches on these principles.

They have huge ambitions ( right now they have 90% of LHR T1 Ramp ) and that will grow even more, so talking about their vision for the future will also help.

Worthwhile knowing about the senior team as well - who they are, where they've come from etc.

But again, safety, safety and safety are their priorities.

Good luck....

13th Feb 2011, 11:20

Thanks so much I'll bear that in mind about 'safety' and will read up on their website.:). I'm not sure who's in charge but I think it's Mark Kerins.

Charlie Fish
13th Feb 2011, 17:15
Nah - think more senior. Craig Smyth, Mervyn Walker and Andy Boyd!

15th Feb 2011, 21:47
You have to follow the code with Menzies. The M.O.R.S.E Code :D

Serriously tho best of luck and try and get that in. It stands for Menzies Operating Responsibaly, Safely and Efficiently.

Hope this helps and emphasise on the safety. It WILL help for a TCO job!