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View Full Version : Whats happenning at Horizon

9th Feb 2011, 19:08
I heard a rumour that they have finally sacked Zaabi, that got to be good news for the future of Horizon. Was he caught with his fingers in the till? It must have been serious as he got away with using company money to pay for his evenings working girls!

10th Feb 2011, 19:32
I am zurprised e lasted so long, a nasty man

14th Feb 2011, 20:15
So Whats the story?

15th Feb 2011, 12:05
Rumour has it that Mr Zaabi had opened two aviation companies in his own name and all the procurement for Horizon was done through them. At what prices, is anybody's guess.

17th Feb 2011, 13:42
That figures

18th Feb 2011, 15:20
Yep the dream team got "replaced" zaabi, kanwar, and some others, and that was back in april 2010. since then they have had a new dream team from mubadala running show, with no aviation experience between the lot of them. The level of incompetency is another complete universe far far away. shame, so much potential and comlete incompetency , what a combination ! :ugh:

28th Feb 2011, 13:02
Are any of the original guys left?