View Full Version : IR Training Lesson Info?

4th Feb 2011, 13:17

I am trying to decide where & how to do my IR training. The problem is fitting it around work. In order to help me try and plan this I would be grateful for some info about the format of the lessons.

If you are scheduled in to do a lesson how long does this usually take? How much of this would be instrument training that goes towards the 55 hour requirement. I take it each lesson is not 1 hour, is it more like 2? Is there a lot of ground time before and after the lesson breifing/debreifing?

I am just trying to work out how long it might take to do the course in the various options I have available and if I could maybe do mornings and make it into work later the same day. I understand there is a lot of variance and doing it part time, a good chance I will go over the 55 hours but a rough guide in minimum hours would be useful.


4th Feb 2011, 13:36
I can understand your problem, but you are planning on spending a lot of money so the last thing you want on your mind is 'watching the clock' as it will just distract you from the task in hand. If you cannot get a whole day off, I would suggest afternoon sorties as then you have no need to rush back to work and therefore less pressure.
However to be honest, you might be better taking a couple of weeks leave to try and get some continuity.
One lesson a week or fortnight is not a good way to do IR training.

4th Feb 2011, 13:47
Thanks, I understand what your saying and I don't want to be watching the clock. Im just trying to understand how much of the 55 hours one sortie would usually cover.

If I do manage to get time off then I want to put in as much as possible without overdoing it so Im not taking it in.

I will hopefully be doing 2 days a week mornings and one or two days on the weekend but Im trying to work out how long this could end up taking.


4th Feb 2011, 14:16
The whole of the flight goes towards the sortie.

In general after you have got the handeling aspects sorted each trip is 2 to 2.5 hours long.

If you go down the fnpt2 route you don't actually have that many trips in the aircraft

4th Feb 2011, 14:26
Thanks. For some reason I had it in my head that I would be doing 55 sorties. That makes it seem a bit less daunting. :)

4th Feb 2011, 14:40
I concur, a couple of hours for the trip, add in brief, plan, walk around, and debrief and your flight could take half the day. Of course fnpt2 is just brief, get in and do, debrief so somewhat quicker. Of course it will depend if your instructor is of the 'that was fine' debrief or starts of with ' I didn't like the way you shut the door...........and then discusses every second of the flight in detail............'

4th Feb 2011, 16:08
The whole of the flight goes towards the sortie.Apparently this is not the CAA's view TrainingCom 2/2010

4th Feb 2011, 16:23
Bugger better send my IR back ;-) mind you I did my 170a as part of the course hours as well which I believe your not meant to.

Ok knock off 10 mins taxing each flight.