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1st Feb 2011, 17:34
Are the Harriers currently in storage at Cottesmore & Wittering having any sort of maintenance or are they simply being left to rot away ?

1st Feb 2011, 18:34
The government was recently offered £250M for the harrier frames, but has wisely turned down the offer. The following preferred disposal route has been chosen:

- Leave airframes to rot for 3 months, while still paying BAE for the maintenance contract

- At the end of three months the government will invest a further £200M to bring the airframes back to a serviceable status and open for tender on e-disposals.

- Two airframes will be set aside for use at Cranwell and Cosford as training aids

- Following an unsuccessful bidding process on e-disposals, the government will then ship the once airworthy airframes via road to somewhere as far form Cottesmore as possible at additional expense

- The government will then employ BAE under an additional contract to break the Harriers using bulldozers.

- A further contract will then be placed with BAE to provide spares for the Harriers at Cranwell and Cosford


1st Feb 2011, 18:52
Is that speculation, or are you in a position to know facts. If that is what is to happen it beggars belief!:ugh:


1st Feb 2011, 19:08
Well ive heard through the grapvine that 5 harriers are to be kept live and
some of the aircrew from squadrons that have been disbanded will be kept
current. And the rest of the airframes will be dried stored just in case we
need them in an emergency apart from 5 airframes that will be donated to museums .

To be honest i think if this rumour is true it makes sense as the harrier is a
well proven airframe and engine. So keeping it stored just in case is good
forward planning , thats if this is true .

1st Feb 2011, 19:24
the problem with internet forums is that sarcasm often gets lost in translation. I sincerely hope we find something a little more constructive to do with them, rather than the Nimrod path.

1st Feb 2011, 19:35
Going by this governments recent record of aircraft "slaughter" , I would think Herc-u-lease's calendar of events is pretty close to what will probably happen to the Harrier fleet . I would like to think they could be kept in a "semi-airworthy" condition ,if that's possible for any future requirements . I don't see why a special storage facility could not be created , they've done that at RMB Chivenor , they've built a huge special temperature & humidity controlled building just for trucks !:rolleyes::mad:

1st Feb 2011, 20:17
BAE - Pay us for this years-long Harrier maintenance contract.
RAF - Can't, got no money.
BAE - Not our problem really. You signed the contract.
RAF - OK, how about we give you all the Harriers and you sell them - for spares if you like - and if you make anything more than the value of the contract, you give that money back to us?
BAE (laughing) - how about you give us all the Harriers, half the money you owe us, and we say no more about it
RAF - Er...
BAE - ...and all your spares and support equipment
RAF - Er...
BAE - ...and let us use RAF resources such as personnel to carry out any work needed.
RAF - Yeah alright. Just get it done by March eh, this is getting embarrassing.
BAE - Of course old bean. And we want you to salute whenever we come into the room.

Focks 2
1st Feb 2011, 23:12
they've built a huge special temperature & humidity controlled building just for trucks !:rolleyes::mad:


But in ten years time we'll still have people who can drive trucks.

2nd Feb 2011, 06:34
Where's BEagle? We urgently need an update on the thoughts of t'Baron and his shambling retainer Old Scrotum, not to mention Seth at t'werrks.

2nd Feb 2011, 08:08
To do the English a favour the Indian government will generously agree to take the Ark Royal and Harrier Fleet and spare parts in lieu of half the overseas aid they are entitled to this year!

2nd Feb 2011, 09:47
ACW599, 't Bungling Baron reckons as 'ow them Harrierrs werr built by 't soft soothern poofs, he'll have nowt terr do wi' them unless therr's a 'nice little earrnerr' as part of 't deal....

When Seth reminded him that 'old Mad Maggie' had been very glad of 't Harrierrs back in 1982, 't Baron bellowed "Boogerofff aht o' it 'n get back to 't werrks!" 't Baron's loyal but ageing whippet opened one eyelid, realised that 't Baron's outburst hadn't been directed at him, yawned, farted horribly and went back to his slumbers.

Green Flash
2nd Feb 2011, 10:09
Is there not a shed full of Jaguars somewhere in a semi-servicable state on the War Reserve? If so, could aforementioned be disposed of and the Harriers take their place on the subs bench? Assuming that there is slightly more chance that the Bona Jets will fly again compared to the Jags?:confused:

2nd Feb 2011, 13:17
"Is there not a shed full of Jaguars somewhere in a semi-servicable state on the War Reserve? "

What war reserve - hasn't been one for years IIRC? Something to do with RAB or the budgeting method introduced by broon, as we were being financially penalised for keeping kit in storage.

3rd Feb 2011, 21:00
"Is there not a shed full of Jaguars somewhere in a semi-servicable state on the War Reserve?"

Likely to have been robbed of all useful bits to help another more needy customer!

3rd Feb 2011, 22:16
t' baron's confused it seems, t' soft souvern jets need to goes, but t' compo recyclin' mens won't take t' composites, so it's sell t' bona jets to t'anyboddy or it fer t' landfill for t'em, and that's t' truth scruggs an' no mistake.....