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30th Jan 2011, 07:02
I went through the HR policies and as everything else it looks like a jumble of contorted words...
Anybody knows where we are staning on and what are we facing?
I heard that from the moment of resignation IFLY will be the first thing they shut down followed by credit cards and bank account frozen, any compensation? temporary passport confiscation... and the list goes on and on!!!

30th Jan 2011, 13:33
Heard it's a nightmare to try and get out, like the Hotel California "You can check out but you can never leave". Best bet is get any funds out of the UAE, have your credit card limits reduced to the bare minimum. Your bank account will be frozen to cover your credit card limit and not your debt, guess they had some crew max out their credit and do a runner.
How things change, three years ago was encouraging friends to join EY and now I am getting my exit strategy in place. It used to be quite a nice place and now it is maximum work and minimum time off. Days off are just to recover from your previous flight with yourself too tired to do any social stuff.

30th Jan 2011, 20:26
I receive PM's regularly from potential candidates and in all honesty I cannot recommend they come here. Management needs to re-asses their HR practices, flight ops needs to do the same on how they treat the boys in the trenches, why should i always need an excuse to respond to the 340 fleet manager why I needed extra fuel to avoid a cyclone?

30th Jan 2011, 20:57
Aviation industry is not just about Etihad Management.. especially on the special 'bus'.I do believe in God and god does works in it's mysterious ways. I've seen those 'invincible characters' fall from grace or from their 'throne'...
The prayers or curses from the ill-treated, unjust or victimised lot will be answered one day.Might not be now it could be in their next generation history speaks for itself in any airline, any country or in any position. Just look at hosni mubarak he thinks he's invincible and I guess the prayers from all the unfairly treated citizens reached god's ears..
For those of you planning the strategy lo leave Etihad...plan well, it is sad it has to end this way but then again Aviation Industry is not just about etihad..ALL THE BEST TO ALL UF US..

31st Jan 2011, 05:10
One person, at least, said it here already. Plan well ahead, take all your money and put it in your safe (under your mattress), cancel the credit cards, get your family out and cancel visas, move into apparthotel, sell all your stuff or send it back and hand in all your uniform except the bare minimum. Now you are set the start climbing the big sand hill out of here.
I don't believe in any god and that means LOOK AFTER YOURSELF.
Not sure if the almighty want to be bothered with this trivia anyway!

31st Jan 2011, 05:29
I think many are just not doing this''work on days off'' thing. Roster me and ill do it. Dont refuse, just ask them when to do it. Anyway that a dif thread!:=

Sheikh al Arse
31st Jan 2011, 09:14
Well, Im on my way out too and really don't care what you guys do to screw each other. It's a sad thing to see guys working on days off because they think the company will take care of them. :=
The only people who should come in on their days off are the management pilots as they have a commitment to the company and also have to be seen to be doing something, remember they are on a different salary to you and me! My contract clearly says, I have days off and since these d*cks in Scheduling work the rosters to the limits, I doubt anyone is getting more than the average 8+/- days off a month. If you see other companies, yes even EK, these guys can get up to 7-10days off in a row(OFF, yes). Don't forget they are suppose to be short of pilots. A Dicky says "we are not short of pilots".
When we joined we were told EY wants to be the BEST and not make the same mistakes as EK and we would do things better than EK has done. Well, EK has had a percentage increase in their basic, which is almost the same as EY, which means the difference before which was to cover utilities and car expenses has been taken away from us because Management has not reacted quick enough to counteract the pay increase of EK. So in reality our package is less than EK. No Jumpseat same as EK.
The only thing EY is doing BETTER than EK is screwing their own crew with a sh*tty CRS which to date has had a less than 10% satisfaction rate, then CA comes up with B**Sh*t that the computer system had a glitch. Quality of life here is non existent.
In any case, remember going to work on your days off only covers up their incompetence. Those selfish guys who only think of their overtime don't realise this is affecting everybody. The package will only get better if we all stick together, PERIOD.
EY will definitely not be "The World's Leading Airline" when it comes to setting the trend for pilots package and be the envy of all other airlines, that's for sure. Take a close look at the Chinese market, if EY was serious about growth and keeping it's people, it would come out with a package that would make those who have left begging to come back.

Xie Xie

31st Jan 2011, 09:29
Think you missed my point there, I would NEVER work on days off. I was saying dont tell them you refuse to do the online work but just ask them when to do it! They cant say ''do it on a day off'' cos its not allowed, so just ask them and they cant answer and you dont do it! simple. Sorry for confusion:ok:

Plank Cap
1st Feb 2011, 06:16
Ladies and Gents at EY,

Please don't consider EK a better bet - as a 777 Captain with approaching 8 years service here, I now average 95 hrs a month and my annual total is sitting at just over 900 hrs. The company factorises hours on augmented (heavy crew) flights to take us over the monthly and annual limits in a 'legal' way. Sickness / fatigue rates are through the roof with ASRs to confirm it, not that these seem to be any obstacle to carrying on regardless. Most of us here are just trying to avoid becoming associated with the first smoking hole in the ground.

Good luck to you all with your exit strategy, and remember that working days off ultimately helps only one half of the company / employee equation.