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View Full Version : GCAA licence from FAA ATP?

27th Jan 2011, 15:39
I'm interested to learn the process for obtaining a GCAA ATP with BD700 type rating.

I currently have an FAA ATP, with BD700 type, and a first class medical.

Any help appreciated



27th Jan 2011, 19:12
GCAA Air Legislation exam. That's it.


27th Jan 2011, 22:18
I think is more than that , Air legislation + HPL + MET exams , Depands where you do it ...

For Qatar that's what you should pass, Anyway its easy the local CAAs gives the questions in gen..

FAA ATP is not accepted in Qatar unless you've got thing like 2000 jet hours or plus , donno about the rest ....

Good luck

White Knight
28th Jan 2011, 04:39
Halas is correct for UAE - just Air Law... (but you've got to make sense of the answers first, as sometimes 2 of the answers in a multi-choice may actually be correct but one's still wrong if you know what I mean:ugh:)

28th Jan 2011, 05:53
If any of you have notes or sample questions, I'd sure appreciate it if you would email me a copy.



28th Jan 2011, 09:41
What i know so far, GCAA based on JAR with small changes, I passed GCAA in qatar last year and was exactly same as the one i've passed in the UK ....Read JAR ATP book, helps...

I will try to get you some notes from friends around the gulf :)

28th Jan 2011, 12:30
On the medical side, you will have to pass a local assessment, and be issued a local medical certificate.

Am sure the operator you intend to work for has all the answers. :ok:


31st Mar 2014, 20:06
How to obtain gcaa license for aw139 and what are the requirements?
I am working in qatar now as aw139 technician.
Can any of you give some idea?
Thank you.