View Full Version : B-737 Type Rating (DGCA)

18th Jan 2011, 16:07
Could someone please let me know which schools are DGCA approved for TR. what is the difference between them and the other ones. I am looking for a B-737 TR.

19th Jan 2011, 02:58
comeon guys!! someone with anyinfo??? there r so many who are going for the TR..

estranged soul
19th Jan 2011, 03:03
comeon guys!! someone with anyinfo??? there r so many who are going for the TR..

Exactly why you will not get any response :)

You are a potential threat to them.

19th Jan 2011, 16:49
Potential Threat???? I agree with you... People here need to srsly sober down...

It woud be much better to help someone with some information rather than arguing about which country or flightschool provides better pilots. Leave it for the airlines to decide tht!!!