View Full Version : FA ATP Written exam

17th Jan 2011, 21:29

Does anyone know of where I can sit the FAA ATP written exam in Florida- anywhere as far south as Orlando, and as far north as Jacksonville?

Having a look online, I'm not coming up with anything obvious other then:

ATP Flight School: ATP Written Prep & Exam (http://www.atpflightschool.com/programs/writtens/atp.html)

I'm not really interested in this package, as I'll study myself etc before - I just want to walk in, pay and sit the test. Surely you can do this for less then $300 ?

Any ideas?


18th Jan 2011, 20:36
Do a Google search and call any flightschool in the area where you will be staying.
They can help you out with the testing centers.
You can also do a search for Lasergrade.

19th Jan 2011, 15:03
Embry Riddle in Daytona can do it has a testing center, thats where I got my IR and CPL test done. Besides, this PEA(Phoenix East Aviation) has a center to but not sure if they allow for outsiders to take a test there. Just need the necessary endorsements from your instructor before you take the test I guess.

Also, in Jacksonville there is this school called Sterling FLgiht training Center. They should have a test center too.