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14th Jan 2011, 06:09
We are sleep walking into the next global market meltdown or should that be meltup, read the following article and weep. BTW if the company gave us a 30% pay rise it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. And yes I bet all of those global warming believers from a different thread will be saying Bernanke has done a fine job, must be some correlation with that mind set. :ugh:

Mike Krieger Deconstructs Commodity Inflation: "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" | zero hedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/mike-krieger-deconstructs-commodity-inflation-you-aint-seen-nothing-yet)

14th Jan 2011, 12:01
I tend to agree with you: hyperinflation is going to be a part of our lives.

But, before it appears, we will have a period of deflation. How severe and for how long, no-one knows, although it has been nearly 2 decades for Japan.

Steve the Pirate
14th Jan 2011, 13:18
So let me get this straight - it's hyperinflation or deflation. Or have I misunderstood something? If I'd taken EXEZY's advice 6 months ago I would be about 20% worse off. Fortunately I didn't but, at some stage, he will be right. Glass half empty?


Max Reheat
17th Jan 2011, 00:15
So let me get this right, Jed.

If we are going to have a period of deflation, there can be no justification what-so-ever for voting down the 16 month pay offer?!

Capt Toss Parker
17th Jan 2011, 11:40
A lesson in "EgoNomics"

I have a hyper-inflated ego. It's a regular run of the mill Tosser ego that's very high or out of control.

Hyper-inflated ego's become visible when there is an unchecked increase in the amount of attention or delusions that feed the ego.

Hyper-inflated ego's are usually accompanied by a widespread unwillingness on the part of the local population to hold the subject in any regard due to their repugnant disposition and unstable nature.

Hyper-inflated ego's are often associated with wars (or their aftermath), meltdowns like in Zimbabwe, and political or social upheavals.

By having a hyper-inflated ego, ones regard in society becomes rapidly deflated and generally worthless. The subject will usually feed the ego with more delusions as a counter measure to offset the worthlessness, but all this does is fuel the cycle that has created the hyper-inflated ego in the first place.

Subjects have been known to launch "New Personalities" as a measure to start fresh and regain confidence within the market and fill the shortage of supply from the hyper-inflated ego.

My hyper-inflated ego is presently running at 8000% and can not be fed by enough attention or delusions because it's completely out of control.


Yonosoy Marinero
17th Jan 2011, 13:53
Problem, Toss, is that ego bubbles never burst...

Steve the Pirate
17th Jan 2011, 14:30
Capt Toss

Do you mean you have a hyper-inflated id? I think Freud described the ego as representing what may be called reason and common sense, in contrast to the id, which contains the passions.

The difference between ego and id is similar to the difference between satire and defamation - the satirist knowing when to control the urge to defame.


17th Jan 2011, 23:09

Well said. In the words of a well known satirist by the name of Oscar Wilde

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

Capt Toss Parker
18th Jan 2011, 02:11
In the famous words of Colonel Sanders ....

"I'm to drunk to taste this chicken"

Just a regular old comedy taken from wikipedia with a few changes!

Have a nice flight back to the U.K. :}


18th Jan 2011, 05:08
No amount of interest rates came tame Captain Toss but I feel like they will be winging there way to the Hong Kong property market by the years end.

YouTube - Peter Schiff - Ben Bernanke is Either a Liar or an Incompetent (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOOpEBh_js4&feature=player_embedded)

18th Jan 2011, 09:20

Enough already. Oscar Wilde was a Paddy and I am certainly not from the UK.

I think Steve would agree, the CTP franchise has reached it's use by date.