View Full Version : Established FTO or other?

13th Jan 2011, 11:40
I tried this request earlier on a thread in the training forum which received no response, I guess as few in there have qualified so trying it here and have deleted the original thread. I'm planning to complete my CPL ME IR later this year and I will continue to work until then to keep cash coming in since completing my ATPL's and hour building. I will keep current flying/towing gliders over the season. I'm considering doing the CPL while still working this spring as there is a convenient local school but it's not one of the 'established' names. I quite like the idea of part time rather than an intensive course as though people say it's more expensive I feel like I absorb the course more and ultimately I want to be a good pilot rather than just obtaining a license. I'm not sure whether to delay and potentially do all the professional training in one go at an established school or go for the convenient local school now - after all, a CAA examiner makes sure you're up to standard either way. If I do the CPL now part time, I can probably take 6-7 weeks extended leave later in the year for the ME IR and so manage to keep my job throughout all training and on into the flying job hunt which I have to assume could be a while. It almost seems a no brainer to go the more convenient route while keeping a reasonably well paid job, though I'm not sure if not having gone through an established FTO for all my professional licenses, they would ultimately be worthless. What would you do and what have been the experiences of past modular students who have obtained licenses from the smaller schools? Thanks in advance for any responses.