View Full Version : Outlook 2003

13th Jan 2011, 08:11
I moved to using OutLook 2003 when moved to Windows 7 - Did 5 updates last night and now OL tells me there is a compatibility issue and won't open :ugh:

I could do a system restore - but won't those updates need to be installed at some point? [no idea what they are] - I could look for another email client but what?

Anyone any solutions suggestions? at the moment I'm using my ISP on line account but don't like it

green granite
13th Jan 2011, 08:54
Open programs menu, find Outlook and right click on it, select properties and select the 'compatibility' tab, set the compatibility to windows XP and then try it.

13th Jan 2011, 09:26
Ensure Outlook is not running in the compatibility mode

Click on Start > Computer > C-Drive (C :) > Program Files (X86) > Microsoft Office > Office11

Locate the Outlook icon, then do a right-click on it and select ‘Properties’

Select the ‘Compatibility’ tab then uncheck the ‘Run this program in Compatible mode for’ option

Click on Apply and then select OK

13th Jan 2011, 10:15
Tried both options no difference thanks.

I can't remember what my email account/ISP info is without looking :ugh:

and of course it won't let me - if I'm quick enough it lets me get as far as opening the email options but then tells me there is registry or installation problem and to reinstall - but I'm bothered if I try that as it appears to be a compatibility problem it won't allow me to reinstall it and I'll lose everything, would that happen?

13th Jan 2011, 10:52
Did OL open before?
What updates did you do? Win 7, office?
I would suggest re-installing Office. Takes about 15 minutes, maybe less. You can uninstall from the Add/Remove Programmes in Control Panel, then fresh re-install, or re-install over the top.

To save any Mail/Contact/Calendar info; make a copy of your .PST file. Normally in C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Outlook files. When you have reinstalled Office, simply import the .pst into OL.

Have to hand your ISP account details to setup your email account. You do have them written down, don't you?;) If not, google your ISP, that will tell you the technical stuff that you need to enter. Incoming mail server, outgoing mail server.
So all you need is your email address, user name and password.

13th Jan 2011, 14:05
Sorted now thanks - I did a system restore . changed settings to download but ask what updates to install -ignored the 2 for Outlook 2007 and all well again :D

14th Jan 2011, 05:34
Did you mean Outlook 2003 or 2007?

14th Jan 2011, 07:23
2003 - that's why I'm baffled as to why it would download and install updates for 2007 - unless it's because I did have it installed before I reverted back to 2003....

and I have the same problem this morning - my PC installed 2 updates when I shut down last night [which I assume are the 2 I spoke of] despite telling it not to install them...

14th Jan 2011, 18:56
Can you please post the error message totally verbatim (missing no words out) and whether there's any associated Event Log messages generated in any of the logs when you try to invoke Outlook, and i'll try to aid you to a resolution.

15th Jan 2011, 09:58
Thanks for all your help - I have sorted it now by not installing the Office 2007 updates - Rarely use Office anyway other than Outlook

When I started Outlook 2003 - it greyed out and came up with a box that said Microsoft Outlook has stopped working - when I clicked on start > all programmes > Office > Outlook 2003 I right clicked and asked for compatibility troubleshooter > it then told me there was a compatibility problem - I had no other messages or error codes. The only thing that was different to the day before was 5 updates, after I system restored to the day prior to the updates it worked.

I downloaded them again and Outlook had the same problem so I system restored for the 3rd time downloaded the updates and hid all the ones that had Office 2007 in the title and everything is OK now.

I run a 32bit Windows 7 Home premium by the way. I can only assume that one of the Office 2007 updates is causing the compatibility issues, as per my previous I have no idea why it's downloading Office 2007 updates any way!

Saab Dastard
15th Jan 2011, 11:22
If you have installed the viewers to allow you to open Office 2007 native files (docx, xlsx, etc.) in Office XP / 2003, then I believe that it is the viewers that are being updated with the Office 2007 updates you are seeing.


15th Jan 2011, 12:24
Ah yes.......... *insert 'lightbulb' smiley*

Thank you for that