View Full Version : University and medical questions

9th Jan 2011, 11:55

I am about to apply to the universities now but I wonder if itīs worh having a medical class 1 examination before enrolling? The reason for this is that I am planning to get a degree as a backup but I would like to know if I can become a pilot or not. If I canīt I might leave the studies for a couple of years and think about what I want to do. If I pass the medical exam I can choose a degree without problem since itīs only a backup.

And what if I chooze to study something that hasnīt got physics and mathematics included. Will this make me forget the basics and give me problems with the ATPL later on?


9th Jan 2011, 12:12
I would say get your medical now to find out if flying is even an option. I wouldn't bother with university unless you are planning to study something you are actually interested in and will likely have a use for in the future.

I don't think you need to worry about maths/ physics, if you have the GCSEs to get into a university you will likely have the capability to do the ATPL already.